We really like this. Could we see it in a red version. and is there anyway we could change up the F in the circle just a little bit. We don't want to look to much like facebook.
Again, Thanks for your entry. We really like this web 2.0 concept.
We like the color used in #6. could you change the f in the circle to something else? we just really feel like this reminds us of facebook and we want to set ourselves apart.
I just uploaded a picture on our contest brief that is the signature of the founder HW Lawton. We really like the way Lawton is written out in the picture. Could you do something with this in a different logo?
Also, Lawton is right near a mountain range. could this be included as some kind of pictoral element? thanks
The Lawton image I uploaded is a public image for the city and there is no sole owner of the copyrights to the Lawton image.