MyCareerIQ.netLogo Design Contest

Logo Design Contest
Contests / has selected their winning logo design.

For $275 they received 84 designs from 8 different designers from around the world.
























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Thanks for your submission. I like your choice in fonts for both, because it does a good job of visually separating the "My" from "Career." The idea of sharing the dot for the "i" and the ".net" is VERY clever, and makes it easy to see/remember. A little hard to tell on my screen, but the blues may be a little lighter than we'd want. I like the color scheme better in #2, but I like the "Q" better in #1 because it has a defined boundary and is more obvious that it is a "Q." If you say the name of the company out loud (including the "dot net"), it is SEVEN syllables. These designs do a good job of creating a visual and memorable separation without being busy or distracting. The box that the "IQ" is in suggests modern and up-to-date, and perhaps even implies that it is a computer screen. (But good NOT to portray it as a computer, because people might think our service is just for techies.) Thanks again...good first try.
11 years ago
Logo Designer
Thanks for your feedback :)
Here I made some changes, I also change blue more darker a little bit.
#5 #6 #7 #8

11 years ago
Great change on #5 with colors (same with #7) that "My" is more separate from "Career." Can you experiment with closing the box above the "i" (either partially or all the way?) to make it more obvious that it is an "i"? I might end up liking it better just the way it is...but not sure.

For #6 and #8, clever use of the "y" as a person, BUT the style is to different from the concrete/simple box that the "IQ" is in. Not sure if you can make the y/person in "My" more traditional/sturdy/secure.
11 years ago
Logo Designer
how about these?
try with bulb idea, #16 #17 #18
11 years ago
Thanks for super-fast response with light bulb. Of these, I like #16 the best (not #17 on a slant, and definitely not #18 (sorry ;-), as both the light bulb and the "Q" are too jumbled together so it's hard to tell what either one is. Not sure if there is a way to show light, or a light being turned ON, or a less "bulky" light bulb?
11 years ago
I just looked at #17 again, and like it more, now that I see where the dot is in ".net"
11 years ago
Logo Designer
Here I try reduce size of bulb and make the bulb ON also #19 #20
11 years ago
Thanks for continuing to try. For the light, I like #20 the best because the shining light is in a bright color (light does not shine blue ;-). Is there a way to make the "IQ" so it is more apparent what the letters are? Maybe changing the font of the "i" so it has a top like a "T" with a base like that on the the bottom?

And the "Q" is more apparent in #16. My concern about #20 is that "IQ" looks too much like the number 10.

I'm assuming adding a different color for the light (like yellow) would be too much?

(I will be away from my computer until at least 6pm EST (USA) time on Saturday. Hope to see your ideas for the top of the box on #5, per my earlier comment.)
11 years ago
Logo Designer
Sorry mate, It's weekend so I need arrange my time :)
here is the changes #23 #24 #25 #26 #27

11 years ago
Logo Designer
Any feedback regarding my latest submission? #23 #24 #25 #26 #27
Please let me know what you think :)

11 years ago
Very sorry for delay (at hospital much of today for terminally ill friend).
Really like #27. Good job. You followed my instructions on #23 and #24, but these are now too plain. Your change on #25 is the best...but I'm concerned that a square block is not special enough. Seems like a waste of design talent :-).
11 years ago
Logo Designer
Hi mate, feel sorry to hear that, hope your friend will get better :)
Here I try with gradient version #49

11 years ago
Thanks...good/clever thought with gradient shading! What is YOUR opinion on this compared to #27?

Also, what is your opinion on color for ".net" - black...or blue? I plan to ask one of my advisers about both.
11 years ago
Logo Designer
I prefer with gradient shading, It's suitable with web 2.0 style
Here is with dark blue "net" #50
11 years ago
Thanks. Is there a way to show the top of the letters even lighter in color, but still start out with darker colors at the bottom? So have it get lighter faster? Not sure if i will like this better, but might be good to see. This is a LOT of work for you. I hope you win ;-).
11 years ago
Can you show me one like #27, but with the light in orange DOTS instead of dashes, and a separate one with the light showing as YELLOW dots? Thanks very much.
11 years ago
Logo Designer
more lighter on top letters #53 #54
dash change to dots #55 #56
11 years ago
Logo Designer
I hope I will be the winner too :)
11 years ago
Thanks. I think I like the gradient color change on #53. On #56, I think the following:
1. All the dots need to be yellow
2. the dots need to be farther away from the bulb to better signify light
3. the dots can (probably SHOULD) be the same size, not increase near the top

I think these changes will make it show light better. Not sure if the gradient color should be just in "Career," or in the other words too. Also, for a final version, the gradient might need to be more gradual. It's OK for small logo, but the line might show up too much in a bigger logo.

11 years ago
Logo Designer
like this? #57
11 years ago
YES. OK, now great if you can remove one dot from each side.
Do you have an option to make each dot look like a miniature star (maybe like *) so it looks like it is "twinkling"?
11 years ago
Logo Designer
with twinkle star #58 :)
11 years ago
Thanks for changes to #58. Waiting on an opinion from one of my an advisers. Still think it looks too much like typesetting instead of light. (looks too much like ++++ strung together rather than * * *). Not sure if removing one and changing the spacing, along with turning the "stars so they are more like x x x would help.

BUT, don't feel the pressure to make another change until I get back to you with my adviser's comments.
11 years ago
You've been great about making design changes! I feel badly for shift, but as much as I'd like the light bulb concept to work, all the changes are evidence of the difficulty. It hit me today that the bulb it'self is DARK. That caused me to want to make changes to the light coming from it. And while I like having the bulb as part of the logo (rather than tacked on the front or back), it forces us to make the "IQ" font smaller...then the .net smaller ends up being a more 'dis-jointed' logo. I took you this again, sorry. Really appreciate your efforts.

Not sure if you'll be able/willing to submit other designs, but only thing i can think of that would salvage the bulb concept would be to make it in yellow (thin outline in blue or black), make the bulb bigger so IQ can be bigger (and in blue).
11 years ago
Logo Designer
I'm so sorry mate, I can't be in front of the computer to send the revised design.
Yesterday I had to extend my driver license and I faced with long queue, I just can read your feedback from my phone.
Now I'm ready to send revision, If you allowed me, please put me in the 1st rank.
Only 1st rank designer can submit entry in judging mode.

11 years ago
I just switched you to first so you can submit changes. I think it will be hard for the light bulb concept to win at this point. It is a very good idea in my MIND, but not sure it can work in real life. I'll be impressed if you can find a way ;-)!
11 years ago
Logo Designer
Here I made changes
#76 #77 #78 #79 #80 #81
11 years ago
Great try on 76 and 77...but still too many challenges. The "IQ" has to be too small, which is not good.

Because you tried so hard on so many designs, it doesn't feel good to tell you this, but I think you should give up on me.
11 years ago
Logo Designer
If you keep give me a chance, I won't give up :)
11 years ago
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