i like them, would like to maybe see the wording on #70 with the graphics from #65 . Also the dude dancing with his hands up in #70 looks kinda weird and is repeated 3 times, maybe another pose or two instead?
I like #79 maybe reduce the beat effects in the background abit, more like #80 or maybe make a skyline in the background out of the beats. let me get a few diferent color schemes, with purple and something else. maybe go back to th #65 font, or maybe remove the stars from the font in #79.
Okay.. thanks for the feedback.. i will summit the revisions soon. my concept of using beats was actually the abstract symbol to present skylines =)) but nevermind, I shall inject a skyline in the background. Thanks!
lets go back to the shades of purple like #79. but keep the skyline #100. maybe replace the clock tower on the left with something like the sears tower in chicago. maybe try to combine the beats from befor with the new skyline.
I like #129 but would like to see the changes with the beat color, and also just go with 2 antena on the sears tower, the third looks wierd, just scratch it and center the other two.
i like #192 can you maybe make the "how was you night" font red to get some red balance on the logo. also maybe play around with some other fonts on the myBIGCITYnights