Phyllis - Welcome to Logo Tournament. I have submitted a few entries here, with more to follow.
I feel these will all look clean and sharp in the logo area of your web page.
My first idea was an image that shows the common human abstract that is common in social media logos, and gave them the illusion of swirling or merging together. Which is exactly what your company does. They also make reference to the word "social" by forming and abstract "S"
Please see this idea in entries: #23 #24 #25 #26
I have a similar concept for entries #29 and #30....this one has a very subtle reference to financial gain as well....the "S people" resemble a dollar sign.
#27 and #28 are a nice "S" fusing together....this shows the idea of one source social network management
#31 shows you taking their social marketing to a new height. Thus the shadow to give the illusion of elevation.
I look forward to your feedback and suggestions, and am confident that I can create a concept that will convey your message.
This is a power button that represents the power that you give customers with your service. The colors represent the management and coming together of social networks.