Thanks for your submissions. Yours is the closest in terms of feel for us - However, so far no one has really cracked pulling through the idea of 'kindness'/'kind things'. I've sought out a few more logos that we love the feel of and so maybe you'd be keen to keep at it a little longer with these as some inspiration. We are liking the more gritty feel of some you'll find in the links below.
We also have four potential pay-off lines we are deciding upon to use with the brand name and they are:
Better things to do with your time
Live more meaningfully
Time well spent
It's all good
http://designyoutrust.com/2012/08/30-examples-of-circular-logo-designs-machoarts/http://andreakleinloog.files.wordpress.com/2011/04/chefs-n-icers_circular-logo.jpghttp://www.thevedahouse.com/2011/10/trending-graphics-its-all-in-the-circle/ (2, 3, 7 and 11)