Thank you so much for your participation! I like the PDA on the guys belt. My partner likes two eyes better than one but the key is we want them fun but looking really smart and ready to go. The guy looks cool which is ok for one but we definitely want sharp - we want them to be a team of internet of smart buddies. This link is of a sleek guy: He needs more added like a face clothes etc but he seems internet savvy.
I like how he's leaning on the letters. I picture the Pixar opening and the 3D letters.
Thank you again - I'm really looking forward to more from you. You are on track!
I like this guy as he seems fun but he doesn't give me the confidence that a team of these guys are who I'd want my online marketing run by - he needs to seem smarter. With that said though he is happy and fun which we want. I really think you do amazing work and look forward to more from you. Thank you!
These entries are great. I really like #40 and #41. I'd like to see #41 with a different mouth and maybe without the glasses and some hip "social" clothes as a different look but you are right on with the character. Thank you!!!
The latest additions are great but they suddenly look like children. I think the freckles and lack of tie etc dropped their age way down. I also don't care for the mouth - it looks a little too much like a duck. I like the mouths of several characters up there - any of them that are just clean smiles. Finally, the shirt without pants also makes the character look like a baby so please add pants etc.
Thank you for the effort. We really appreciate it! Chuck
We still have you #1 and really like what you created. We just need a different mouth and clothes. In the tournament: your winning logo had three different guys around the business name. Get the right mouth and then we just need three different looks of that character around the name - leaning on it, sitting on it whatever like you did with #10.
We are really hopeful that you can modify your leading character and move forward. Thank you so much!
For the three looks - he's what we are hoping for: 1. "Search" buddy - he's in charge of SEO etc - holding a magnifying glass, maybe glasses dressed regular like #63. 2. "Social" buddy - he's in charge of Social Media - he needs to be dressed really stylish and ideally juggling social media icons. See this photo as an example: 3. "Mobile" buddy - he's in charge of Mobile marketing & Apps - he needs to be dressed looking sharp holding a smart mobile phone.
Regarding #64 and #65 I don't care for the light around the magnifying glass. Can you take that away. Also, maybe it would look better if he was looking through the magnifying glass rather than holding it up. This may take care of the eyes and clarify that the item is a magnifying glass and not a popsicle or pacifier.
Regarding the new #66, really good!! Our only concern is that he looks too young. We need to keep these characters looking like adults, not kids. They are buddies but they are the experts that people are hiring online for the companies. Maybe if the hat goes away or anything else that you can think of to make him older.
Since you are working so hard... one idea to increase the age appearance of your characters could be to have one of them with some facial scruff and hair gel. It has to be sharp and cool looking though.
Thank you so much for keeping me at the 1st rank, Chuck! Please give me some time to do it since it needs time to do the changes. Please be patient and I will be back soon. I'm doing my best for you!
Thanks for the first update! Looking good! I like him except he still looks young and I don't know why?? Anything that can age the characters or at least keep them from looking like kids would be really great! Otherwise he's fantastic!!!
I like the character's clothes but maybe that's what's making him look too kid like. The link you gave is good. Anything like those should work. Maybe even a hat (non baseball cap) - some stylish thing... But thats just a thought - anything stylish. I'm thinking maybe the mobile guy has cool sunglasses on or something to show he's cool. Hope this helps a little.
For the Search guy, please take away the gold light around his magnifying glass and if possible in the end maybe he should be looking through it??
Then, just put these guys around block letters of the title.
It's 12:30am here so I'm getting off for a bit. Thank you for participating and putting so much into it. We really do appreciate your hard work. Thank you!!!
My partner was suggesting that the search guy wear clothes that somehow look like Google since his role is Google Search Engine Optimization. I don't know what that would look like or how it can be done but that was his request. Let me know.
The #81 is great for Mobile's cool look! He just needs some current clothes and be obviously holding an iPhone to represent Mobile.
As far as the actual text, "My Internet Buddies" I'm thinking: 1. it needs to be bigger so it's easily read on a business card 2. please don't put it all inside a square block. 3. I think Mobile could be leaning on it relaxed with his phone. 4. In small letters below, our subtitle is "Search - Social - Mobile & more..."
For Social, can we replace the Delicious cube with YouTube and is the Google+ logo just the G or G+ ?
Lastly, can we try a couple more layouts with the "My Internet Buddies" ? but perhaps block 3D letters or something... I'm really not sure but if you could try a couple things that you think look good, we'd really appreciate it!
Finally, we wanted to put, "Search - Social - Mobile & more..." or "Search - Social - Mobile and more..." as our small font subtitle under the "My Internet Buddies" big title. I think the names should probably be written in the order of the characters to make it more obvious but perhaps not.
One last item, my partner asked if we could see what search looked like without the glasses since he has the magnifying glass in front of one eye already. ?? Thank you!
I ranked #83 ahead of #86 not necessarily because I like the font better but because I can see the buddies better. I think the buddies get to small in #86. I know I asked for bigger letters before and now I see that makes the buddies too small. Thanks.
Very nice and thank you. We are deciding between #89 and #91.
My partner wants to know two things: - Can Social be standing on the letter in such a way that the word "Internet" is easily readable? (He feels some people may have a hard time reading the word with the way social covers a bit of the letters) - Can Search wear Google colors - that's blue, red, yellow, and green. So, we'd need to add yellow and green for the shoes/pants. (I don't know if that would look good or not).
My only request is to modify the right cube Social is judgling from the Delious logo to the YouTube logo.
Lastly, what is the procedure according to Logotournament to hire you for some additional work? We'd like to have a few more of these characters for various other services that we do (not for the logo). And perhaps some other things.
You are exceptionally talented and I've really enjoyed working with you on this. Thanks!
We promise we are done but we were hoping in addition to the above comment that we could see what it looked like with Search and Social on the left and Mobile on the right - it may be a good solution as well.