I like your designs! So far my favorites are 8,7,5. I like how the logo could stand alone and small enough to be used by itself or together with the company name. I like how unique looking the house is.
#12, #11, #10, #9, I don't like the house. I prefer the house on #8, #5 & #7...the house is really unique. I just want you to please make the words My Hometown on #8 the same shade of blue as the house and if you could give it a 3d effect
Thank you for consistently communicating your requirements about the logo design. I apologize if it took me awhile to give you a response. Nevertheless, I took note of your suggestions which are mostly evident in entry #13, #16 and #17. Should you find these logos to require improvement or further enhancement, please let me know the soonest possible time so I can make the changes.
I noticed that one of your comments for my designs last June 21st at 11:49 pm was written on the contest discussion page. If it's alright, may I please request that your comments regarding the designs which I have submitted be sent through my page only like what you have done with the rest after June 22nd, as ideas may be exposed to the viewing public, other designers, and other clients as well. Hence, it might be the cause of others to replicate the design in perhaps other contests. Hope you would understand. Thank you so much!
Hi Ryan, I apologize, this is my first time. I made a mistake and I will remember and I totally understand. I really like your designs :-)!! WELL DONE.
I really like what you did with #16. I like the circle around the sun and the home like arms embracing the home and the sun. I like how you made the name in 3D is the logo 3D as well?
Would you please design #20 with a green background behind the sun instead of brown? I would like to see how it looks? I saw the description about green color and I am curious. Thanks,B
My husband and I are talking we really like #13 but is there something you could do about the font? He wants to improve on it like make it stand out and be recognizable without the logo. Logo will stand on it's own by the company name seem to not have pizzaz, individuality or uniqueness to it. The font he is saying looks like a text on the page so ordinary.
Oh Ryan for #13, could you show that to me with different fonts to depict warmth, family etc. I see that all the fonts are the same, give me variations..different styles, designs please
Okay Ryan, thank you. Let's stick with #16 logo. Disregard all the other logos please I think I am narrowing down to that. 1. Is the logo 3D already? 2. I like the house, however, I want to know if in your creative mind you have other house styles that you could use? Unique looking houses not generic. 3. Next, use different fonts and styles as well please so far I didn't like the My Hometown style on #22,23, & 24. I like having the My Hometown Mortgage at the bottom of the logo. Try the font of Scotiabank on one of them please and even CIBC (bank here in Canada) I like the font that they use on their website? And then other variations that you think would work. 4. I think I prefer My Hometown Mortgage to be all in the same color when it's red and blue I am reminded of cops especially #16. Let's try it all in red, and all in blue see what looks best.
I am confused: I like #35 logo my staff likes #25 logo, they don't want any letters inside the house. I like #32 font and #35 font color and style ie. MY HOMETOWN on top of Mortgage. 1. So I want you to recreate #35 logo with the words My Hometown on top and Mortgage on the bottom in red and the same font as #32. 2. And then recreate #25 logo with the words My Hometown of top and Mortgage on the bottom in red using the same font as #32.
Good evening. Glad to hear so much from you about the designs! I'm sorry for the late reply. The time difference does affect us both, but I'll try my best to keep you posted the soonest possible time. Nevertheless, thank you so much for giving me instructions as to which logos you wish for me to improve and enhance. I really appreciate your honesty in comparing and contrasting the differences of the logos to your much preferred ones. I will be working on the logo designs which you have stated in your e-mails above and I will l also submit some more options for you to perhaps consider. Hope you won't be too confused!
Please don't get offended when I put the other logos in the non-interesting logos, it's just that I have a hard time judging when all of them are on the to be judged pile.
Good morning. I totally understand what you mean. Please do not worry as I am just giving you other options which you might consider. It is our job as designers to help you choose the best logo for your business. Thank you and God bless!
HI Ryan, Thank you for your understanding. So far the little house inside #37 is winning. It's simplicity and uniqueness is truly friendly and warm. I saw your new logo, it's beautiful yes, but too busy for me. And I want to see all 8 rays of the sun. Could you do me a favour: 1) on #38 and 39 could you please put the word My inside a key? My husband has this idea of seeing the word "my" inside a key. I don't know how that would look in blue and in red. Also, the font of MHM inside the house could you please change the font to match? If I see the MHM inside the logo I want the lettering to be really thin I don't want it to stand out. 2) on #37 could you please see if you could do the same and somehow put the word my inside a key or design it along with a key?
Actually please disregard my request to make the key bigger. We really like the font on #39. Do not create another one with a key please. Disregard the key idea.
HI Ryan, #52, do you think you could show me how it looks like in black and white or grey? Sometimes, we cannot use multicolored logos. Could you show me? In 3d effect?
Good morning. It's good to hear from you once again. To explain why you find #60 more of a 3d effect, it is because it is in gray scale, I added under shadow effect just to let you compare it with the colored one. You are seeing #60 as dazzling because it looks as if it has more of a 3d effect. However, the colored entry, #52 has more colors, hence it looks as if it is pixelated. But in the original file, the colors look more vibrant but it has the same gradient application. Whereas entry #60 is monochromatic or gray scale. For your comparison, I'll be submitting another version of the colored one #52 with under shadow effect.
#61 is more vibrant. would it be easy enough to make the logo in all blue, all red or all gold? Same 3d effect? Yes that is what we call a monochromatic from dark to light.
Thank you very much the logo looks awesome in any color. Would you be able to do it in red? If i choose your design I get to have all the colors that I want right? Not just one?
Good evening Ma'am. To answer your question, yes, you can have the logo design in any color you want, however I can only do this by sending through e-mail after the contest has ended. LT only requires the designs to be in .EPS and .JPEG. I'll be submitting the design you want with the tag line greyed out in the logo "feel at home...build a better life."
#71 Hi Ryan, I like this one. But please remove the sign on the top of the word My Hometown Mortgage and please do not put the tag line. My husband wants it taken off. Please do that change. And then I would also need another version that we have the My Hometown Mortgage on the right side? Sometimes, we are required to have the words on the right hand side. So when I decide to pick you. I will need four versions of the logo/words: 1). Logo on top and words at the bottom 2). Logo on the left and and words at the right 3). Logo by itself 4). words by itself. How would that work?
Good morning. As i said before the LT only requires 2files must be submitted by the winner. But if you decide to pick me, I can work those files and send it to you via e-mail after the contest has ended. All format you want i will provide it to you.
Ryan, thank you. You really understand what I am looking for and the logo touches everything that I am trying to connect with emotionally with my clients. I like your professionalism, your creativity and your talent. Thank you so much for working hard on my logo and for helping me with the first step on my journey to rebrand my company.
I look forward to receiving the logo and hopefully you have time to email me the rest of my request.
Good evening. Thank you for trusting in my capabilities. I am grateful for the support you have given me all throughout the duration of this contest. Through your consistency in monitoring details about what you want in your logo, you have helped me successfully accomplish your requirements. Rest assured I will be sending your requests through your e-mail address. Hope you'll be able to promote the best benefits your clients will get from your company through this logo design. Thank you once again, God bless and Mabuhay!