I am LOVING what you are creating. Is it possible to show me a version of 60 or 61 with the bowl of cherries in the circle altered. I LOVE the circle I am just not loving the bowl and single cherry. Is it possible to make a shallower bowl with a few more cherries in it or just scratch the bowl entirely and put two cherries connected with a stem in the center of the circle?
Also LOVE 46 just wondering if you could make the cherry a little shinier similar to designer in number 1 position
Thank you again for participating in this! I am LOVING your work!
And thank you very much for your feedback and your kind words. I really appreciate it. Regarding your request, I'm start working on the revision version now, then I'll send to you ASAP. Thanks for your patience.
What I really like about the circle logo is the white inside the circle panel like #86. I do like the new cherry design in the circle of #104. I would like so see that new cherry logo with white cherries on red background and red cherries on white background using the template style of #86. No Black
Thanks again for your feedback. :) Here are the version as you requested (#118, #119, #120). Please let me know if I have misunderstand about you request.