Hello! Welcome to the party! Thank you so much for your contributions! We LOVE #85 We really like your design. Any chance you can make the paperclip a 'highliter' yellow? (like you have in entry 84. great yellow!) Also, can we try a copy with the paperclip a yello 'pencil' instead? Can we try a serif font? Can we try adding a tiny '.com' somewhere? You can keep the same colors, or make it the yellow of the pencil or the paperclip. THANK YOU SO MUCH
Hi Again another, can we try a 'version' where the little man and the paperclip are 'clipped' to the "M" in My Admin Department. If you need to make the department word a little smaller we can... Thank you so much!
Thanks for the feedback. I'm glad to see that my work is intereting for you. I will make some revised version of #85 following your wishes as soon as is possible.
Hello! Thank you ! We are very excited. Ok, we are going to really 'mess you up' here. Sorry, we are just learning this... Ok, so: 1) can we use the font from 89 in entry 96 (I know...going backwards...sorry about that) (or if you ahve a better one that is sans serif, try it out) 2) we like the pencil! :) 3) we like the .com 4) can we reduce the red in the purple and see how that looks THANK YOU! Kate
Hello! Wow, thank you for all the changes. Ok, we love entry #109 and just have a few more 'tweaks'.. We Really like how the "y" bends. Thank you. 1) can we 'go back to' the color and fonttype just for the word "Department" as in your entry #85. We like those a little bit better, while still keeping the font you have here for My Admin? we're almost done! thank you, Kate
Thank you so much for all your designs! One more 'round' of the darker purple for the word department and I think we are done. #132 is the greatest. Can we go a few shades 'darker'? Kate