You are amazing! Can I see a couple similar changes?
Change outline around MVP to a solid Gray color. (Chrome around MVP makes it hard to read from a distance)
I’d like to see what it looks like with that.
Also would like to see what it looks like if MVP is the same size as house. With (Pest Control & Termite Specialist) along the whole bottom of house and MVP.
I like the color and the spider” / sorry about the auto correct. I saw the other you changed with the house. Thanks for continuing to work on it. You have good taste.
I like the color and the Sheila on this one you did too. I just know it won’t stick out on our silver trucks. By far my favorite spider yet. Looks great.
I like the idea of this one. Instead of a sheiks could we get a red house outline with a spider in it? Under MVP just let it say pest control & termite specialist so it doesn’t say Pest Control twice in the same logo. I’m digging this concept
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Change outline around MVP to a solid Gray color. (Chrome around MVP makes it hard to read from a distance)
I’d like to see what it looks like with that.
Also would like to see what it looks like if MVP is the same size as house. With (Pest Control & Termite Specialist) along the whole bottom of house and MVP.
-(Red M) (Black V) (Red P)
-Change (Pest Control & Termite Specialist) to black
-fill inside of house with that chrome color you used on the other one.
-Chrome outline on that same font.
I don’t know if this is all possible but you are doing an amazing job with these. If my ideas are to far fetched let me know.