Health & money icon - I get it. May be too much in retrospect showing dollar bills. Keep up the creativity and I really look forward to seeing what you come up with.
Decided to remove my note about MVMT LP. A little bit too distracting and will just focus on the logo being MVMT Life Planning.
congratulations on launching the "MVMT Life Planning" logo contest
after I read the design brief, I am interested in participating in this contest, I provide several design proposals for consideration, give feedback if you have suggestions so that the logo design matches what you are looking for.
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Decided to remove my note about MVMT LP. A little bit too distracting and will just focus on the logo being MVMT Life Planning.
Decided to remove my note about MVMT LP. A little bit too distracting and will just focus on the logo being MVMT Life Planning.
Decided to remove my note about MVMT LP. A little bit too distracting and will just focus on the logo being MVMT Life Planning.
Like the idea of what you did to the "V".
Decided to remove my note about MVMT LP. A little bit too distracting and will just focus on the logo being MVMT Life Planning.
Decided to remove my note about MVMT LP. A little bit too distracting and will just focus on the logo being MVMT Life Planning.
Decided to remove my note about MVMT LP. A little bit too distracting and will just focus on the logo being MVMT Life Planning.
Decided to remove my note about MVMT LP. A little bit too distracting and will just focus on the logo being MVMT Life Planning.
Decided to remove my note about MVMT LP. A little bit too distracting and will just focus on the logo being MVMT Life Planning.
after I read the design brief, I am interested in participating in this contest, I provide several design proposals for consideration, give feedback if you have suggestions so that the logo design matches what you are looking for.
Thank you