I love the designs, and I really like #18. Curious if you wouldn't mind trying a larger font for the leading letters and maybe changing the darker color to a complimentary shade of maybe purple?
As far as I'm concerned at this point, by nearly unanimous decision, you've won the contest. Now, I just want to refine the design with you before closing the competition.
You've got some real great design ideas there and I want to refine the best qualities into a final, perfect design. I'm thinking we take the over-under design of the name that you used in #17, the colors you introduced with the text and icon in #88 and try a horizontal option (icon to the left of the text). I like the size of the icon in #88 but I like the idea of a container object such as the circle you used in #21, but not filled. Maybe using the two-tone colors in #88 to draw half circle outline each (to create a complete circle) completes the icon on the left, with bold, heavy "Muziq" subtitled with "Productions" to the right and the whole thing underlined with the tagline in some kind of script-style font?
I'm just throwing ideas out there to really nail this down. Thanks so much for everything thus far - and a congratulations, off the record, of course, for taking the win!