muzik4GUDLogo Design Contest
Logo Design Contest
Contests / muzik4GUD
muzik4GUD has selected their winning logo design.
For $275 they received 34 designs
from 9 different designers from around the world.
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and keep the whole graphic smaller to bigger -as is, BUT make the word "muzik" a little bigger. Thanks--- thanks for all the changes. it is "epicfont2" Don't change any of the colors from the original. Just change the font. Thank you!!
can you
1. take shadow off the word musik.
2.take music notes out of 4, and make it all black.
3. Make GUD bigger than all the other fonts. (GUD should be the same size)
4. Can you make it all go small to large? Smaller m, larger u, larger z, larger i... etc.. so everything slowly gets bigger.
5. The word GUD should be the largest, and GUD should all be the same size.
1. put the GUD after the number 4, rather than under it
2. make the GUD 3 dimensional. Leave the font the same. but here is a sample of 3D.
3. Can you make the whole design smaller to bigger like this:
4. add the tagline under it Soundtrack For The Real World
Thanks so very very much!