Thanks for participating to my logo contest. Please find bellow some feed back.
#32 is the one of your desing I prefer.
color: I do not want to see some purple for my logo (reference to the brief) Text: The relfexion is to wide may you have it more small.
#34 has a bad ranking because of the color. On it I really like the way you have design th head phone with the 2 dot of the "i". Good inspiration!
About all design: The graphic you design on the left of the brand name make me think to much about an internet navigator. I am not sur il will allow me to deferencite from competitors.
The font style is fitable with my expectation.
I hope these information will be helpfull for you.
Good points: font style and color (may be a bit darker for the blue). The way you have designed the brand name fits with what I hope: good light and shadow effect, good reflexion, good fontstyle (you can still work on it if you find way to improve).
Weak points : I think that you still need to improve the graphical element standing next to the brand name. For the moment it is to classical and does not have enought deferenciation impact (to perfectly round).
May be you can try other graphical element aroud the brand name. I have liked the headphone style you have done on entry #34. I'am not sure the effect will be the same but it worth to try.
I apprciate the effort you have made to be less classic.
Brand name: blue and gray graduation are OK. I appreciate the fact that "muzik" and "in" are not in the same color. May you clone the head phone of #53 on #61 I think it will looks good. Having a white dot on the "i" of the blue part is a good thing very eyecatchy from my opinion. It show that you care about details.
Graphical element: you have made lot of effort thaht do not have paid for the moment but I do believe you still got inspiration. Form my opinion this graphical element should be more oriented aroud theconcept of my business thant around the brand name, therefore avoiding using a "m" in this graphical element is tha way I would like it. However if you can prouved I'm wrong I will be ravi.
I lkie the fnatasy you and with the brand name earphone and volume bar.
About the icon I think many inprouvment can be done on it. I let you thik about all aspect and the characteristique of my target (see brief). I am sur you will find good inspiration. In fact just a touch play could mka you think to a video thing if the brand name is not next to the icon.