Thank for participating to my logo contest. Please find below some feeback about your creation.
About Brand name : from my opinion a font more fine will be more inline with my expectation of rafined. I'm scared the one you used make it a bit to raw. I appreciate the grey graduation you have done for "IN". May you also use one for "Muzik". The blue color you have chose is good it allow a good contrast. May be a bit darker (close to the exemple in attached document) but I let you decide.
about graphic element: I like the way you have designed the "M" inside the headephone. It remembers me the logo of Motorola with a better desing. This is may be an issue for me.
The headphone is thick and I think that there is not enought contrast with the back ground. I appreciate the Iterior shadow and the bevelling. You can do something thig the light game on the blue part.
I hope this feed back will be usefull for you. Many thanks for your work and help.
Hello Francois, thanks a lot for your detailed feedback. Just to note that I didn't pretend to imitate "Motorola" icon but soundwave - M initial inside the headphones. I'll work it out. Regards.
I forgot to mention that graphical element (underscore, light effet, curved and straight line, etc) around the brand name could be tried in order to givemore personnality to the brand name but I'm not sure of the result.
The Headphone designed has been well improved. I prefer this one to the previous on. But for the "M" I really prefer the previous one. With the understanding of be close to sound wave it makes full sens.
About the fontstyle: I do not like it that much. May be a style more round will be better. I also think that you can do something aroud the idea of sound wave (add graphical element around te brand name may be, even if i am not sure of the result). Good inspiration.
I really appreciate the sound wave aroud the brand name. May you have it more "visible" from my opinion they are to subtle.
Hand made font are much better than the previous one. May be a bit to "round" (my fault) this time but the improvement is very good. I think the way you write "i" and not 'I' feets weell with the design you have done. When I say a bit to round I think abour letter Z and K.
Headphone : may be you can stylised it more (even if I do not have a real Idea behind it. Somthing like have the top par a bit mor bright or clear to reinforce a bit more the contrast.
Hi François ! Again thanks for your detailed feedback! I'll work it out a bit the pair of headphones. Z and K letters need rounded arms to keep up with rest but I'll do some work to make them more genuine. Regards.
Headphones: the way it looks now is even better than previously. It gots real personnality that could help my brand to deferenciate from competitors.
M-soundwave: well done. If you find ways to improve it feel free but like that it is OK for me.
Brand name: I think there are ways to improve the fontstyle. May be more fine, graduation and light effet.
Colors: The bleu you chose is OK with my expectation it make me think about colors use for 2.0 logo so I like. May you try one a bit more dark (just to see).
Thanks for your proposal and he effort you've made.
I will comment #79 who is at 2nd rank.
It seems thaht you have reinforced the m-wave making more seable thisis a good initiative. The italic fontstyle is also a good inspiration.
Did you accentuate the blue color of the brand name or is it just becaused there is more contrast with the back ground ? I like the way it looks anyway.
Changing the dot on the fisrt "i" to a play button was a good attempt but I think the result is so so... I would like that you keep it normal (except if you are able to make it look better). I do appreciate you try to include differenciating element.
The graphical element look better with a full circle. However I think that you will need to change the "M" inside. In fact friends of me who have seen it have all mention the brand you know (we have discut about it earlier).
Keep working on this type of dark grey background it is close to the way it will look on my website. I just remark #80 will look better on the same background as #79. I like the little "white touch you have had in the graphical element (remark for the M is still valuable).
#94 sown a continuous improuvment. I think thaht by changing from blue to grey for music was a good choice for your desing. Like that the "M" wave is more visible
The touch play on the "i" as also improuved and is more in line the the general line od the logo.
The Icon alos has improved but I still have the "M" (Motorola) problem. May you think about another idea which will be linked to other aspect of my business (see the brief).