Thank for participating to my contest. Please find bellow some feedback.
Brand name : Good bleu graduation for #41 #42 good grey graduation for #44 The font style is ok but may you make it more "rafined". I like the italic style it give idea of mouvement. real positive point for you. I like the inversion you have done for the 2 dot on the lettre "i" (white on blue, blue on white). great!
Graphical element: #41: may you explain the symbolism you want with the key ? (I like because for me it is related to opening something new, like you have the key independancy so it is both good for artist and listener.
Il like the blue shadow under the "headphones".
May you have this graphical element smaller (or the brand name bigger). For the moment the way you have design it make the graphical elment more important that the brand name.
#42 same comment about the syze of the graphical element.
#44 I like the grey graduation more than on the other proposition. I fully understand the "M" but I do not like thaht much the whay you have designed it. I prefer it more fine.
Strong point: You have really understant the need to have graphical element which help me to differenciate for competitors.
First, the key addition to what you said about it, represent both trust and security for the artist will be sure your music will be protected and artists that will be discovered in them a vision of an open door (Key) to enter the world of music. And many more ideas but mostly music, security (and at the same time, independence and openness) and quality for the listener and the artist. And besides a logo with an original concept. I'll be working on changes
Thank for you numerous and good proposal. As you can see #75 took the lead (I will mainly comment this proposal).
Brand name: I prefer that you keep blue graduation as you have done it for #41 The grey graduation for "In" is ok but may be a lilbit more clear shoud be good also.
Thanks for the explanation of the Key symbolism. I do like it much more than the "M".
Keep working on dark grey black back ground.
May be you can accentuate the contrast for the headphone part.
Proportion between graphical element and brand name is much better but could be improuved from my opinion.
I just make the changes, and adjust the color of the headphones and the key with blue graduation "muzik", and gray is more clear. On the size of the logo can be adjusted (as in # 89), but for me it is better as # 88 in case you need to locate a slogan.
Thanks for the explanation. As you see #88 is first. Therefore I will give you feed back on that one.
About the brand name I think you can work on the font just to make it a bit more round. Blue graduation and grey graduation are in line with my expectation.
I have no much thing to say. See you for the top5 phase !
I will place some of your desings in the "not wanted" basket. I mean the ones with the "M" on the icon because I much prefer the ones with the keys and play button.
Thank for the new submission. I have seen the more round style. I would like you to try with the font styleuse for the brand name to be more close with font style use for of the web 2.0. I am not sure the result will be as good as it is now but I would like the logo to be reflect also the 2.0. In fact I am scared thaht a brand name with to much angle make it look to strict.
May you make the grey graduation a lil bit more clear to accentuate the contrast.
I am open to discution and exchange to not hesitate to ask me question or to give me your feedback. More comments tomorrow aftenoon.