Love the fonts and colors not sure if the graphic illustrate my services Would like to see it with the words "Health. Fit. Happy" ... Keep working at it because I like your style, please!
#22 Lover the colors and graphics as it mixes food and fitness!
FOR EVERYONE see if you can use the word HEALTHY.FIT. HAPPY INSTEAD OF ENERGY, PLEASE. yOU ARE ALL DOING A FANTASTIC JOB! Soooo hard to choose from but keep submitting please
I like the little ground shadow you created on some of the logo. it gives a impression of movement and momentum. Wondering if it would be too much graphic to add some to the logo with the "ball" ranked the highest right now.
I think that overall I like it better when name and slogan are inversed. ( name under road map. Can you give a try to the logo #1 please ... and add a little bottom shadow to the logo itself, please. Loving your work!
In the logo I rate #1 - the size of each letter in my name does not seem to be all the same. It is on purpose or accidental?? I like it very much but I m not the letter size in my name. Can I have my name written in all one size for all letters, please.
thank you so much for choosing my design as the winner, do not hesitate to contact me via email or through logotournament, if there are changes in the color or the other, once again thank you very much
Great work! May I please have a .png version of the logo large file please. I use GIMP, not Photoshop and the software does not like eps format much. Thank you again for sharing your talent and working with me!
send files via logotournament size is limited only up to 1000x800, if you want a larger size should be sent via email, then will I send it in various formats. thank you very much