I like the idea of some sort of icon like this but I don't like the solid letters. I'm thinking something more with shapes combining themselves into each other so each letter is represented but subtly. And I'd like some sort of reference to the video aspect, like a triangle play button. Thanks!
I think I like this color the best, although I like the lighter grey of #3 and then I think I actually do like the original design with just the two buildings at the end so you can turn the first i back into a regular i but I would like a dot over it. Instead of a circle dot, a square might look best. And keep that all grey. Keep the line and last two buildings turquoise. Thank you!
I definitely like the direction with this one, now it's too much orange though so I'd bring back the grey, but leave the buildings and the line in orange. Thanks!
Love this concept! I think it's a bit heavy on grey so maybe incorporate more orange, like the line could be orange and then I'd like the first i to have the dot over it, that could be orange too. The i & l as buildings is perfect. Thank you!
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