I'm not actually asking to copy, and I do like the simple look and it might be that I end up leaving it that way, however it would be good to see it in different variations.
hi sounds awesome guys t
hank you
i dont want to copy anyone
even though those items are very generic ( fork knife cup )
ill work something out though
leave it with me
i actually love the simplicity of how it is now
but will somehow incorporate an item or two
Hi Marc,
Looks like I'm going to choose you. I'd like to work on it a little more and see what we can come up with. I had very good feedback from my 2nd selection and was wondering if you can incorporate any thing associated with food and coffee. Eg my 2nd selection had a knife, fork and coffee cup. i dont like the moustache though.
Could you incorporate something similar into your logo?
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just my opinion ;)
i totally understand :)
im working on them right now
i have a few variations for you
hank you
i dont want to copy anyone
even though those items are very generic ( fork knife cup )
ill work something out though
leave it with me
i actually love the simplicity of how it is now
but will somehow incorporate an item or two
Looks like I'm going to choose you. I'd like to work on it a little more and see what we can come up with. I had very good feedback from my 2nd selection and was wondering if you can incorporate any thing associated with food and coffee. Eg my 2nd selection had a knife, fork and coffee cup. i dont like the moustache though.
Could you incorporate something similar into your logo?
i like #55 and #59
im originally from Essendon
good to see an aussie company on this site
thanks so much for the feedback
glad you like it and hope you like my revisions
i uploaded 5 different variations