Entry #2 is very interesting. A little darker green would help (Dartmouth), I think, but what you have done mirroring the arc of the P and the arc of the S is striking. It is a people business after all. I like it more the more I look at it.
For entries 3, 4 and 5, I think the mark itself is just too complex. I am having trouble seeing the letters and wonder if less abstract would help or, to go the other way, if a symbol not associated with the letters might be better. I do appreciate the purpose you have written but I have decided to not to include a slogan in the logo. I don't want to constrain the business too narrowly. Thanks!
Thanks for the new designs. I think the green is right in #9, and I do like the look. My attorney tells me that I should include LLC in the name, if possible. Can you take the #9 design and see if you can add LLC without destroying the look? I see the shape in 9, 10 and 11 as a leaf and that is a good reference for this business. I do like the new version of #7 but nobody else "sees" it clearly enough. I haven't given up on it but the other designs do seem to resonate better.
Wow. I do like #18. Not at all what I had in mind originally but a very nice statement. I really like what you have done with the LLC on its side. I will probably want to drop the punctuation punctuation after the C (the period) but don't go to that trouble now. The new leaf on #17 is clear and strong too. I have been struggling with the fade on the top half of #15, for example, and have worried that it might not reproduce well. This solves that issue. How does it look if the leaf is flipped over onto its back? One thing I like about #15 is that the trend line is heading up (positive value growth). I wonder if #17 would work better that way. Either way, I do think it is the best of the abstract designs so far. Thanks for pushing it forward. No punctuation after the C in LLC here either. Thanks!
I'm ready with the revisions. I changed a little bit the green gradient - now it's more solid and good looking. Also removed the dot as you wished. And the white light . Sharing what's on your mind will be very helpful for me!
Thanks for all the good creative work. Re #33, can you dot the "i"s above the letter (not sure I want any part of this business to be upside down) and could you experiment with a pale red/yellow sunset color for the circle behind the tree? Nothing bright but there is an opportunity here to draw a little color in. I like what you did to the leaf in 28 and 29 (sharper, less abstract), but am happier with the direction of your original design in #16 (squared to the bottom line, arc to the right). But no light and without the punctuation on LLC. I also think the MPS Financial could be larger in proportion to the leaf. That might help. I appreciate the great response.
Thank you very much for your comprehensive feedback, every time! It's really important and very helpful for me! Thank you one more time!
The revisions will be uploaded asap!
p.s. I was thinking to make the sun yellow or dark orange, but wasn't very sure would you like it, so I decide it to make it green, but you'll see the versions very soon, thanks!
Nice! #37 with the yellow sun. #31 has been rehabilitated in our thinking. It would be even more powerful with the MPS Financial larger so that it forms a block the size of the dual leaves.