I am really digging your ideas! I like this very much and was thinking about it... Can you work your magic on this to eliminate gradient while still maintaining the effect? Asking only because we do embroider shirts and hats - impossible, if not costly to embroider gradients. Again, I love this idea and the fact that either element can stand on its own. Thanks for your help! Geoff
Liking the flat color idea (a little less gradient). I will also comment on your #96 submission. But, on this one, #145, could you: 1) remove the gradient and 2) make the gold area black (& gear notches white or gray) and the silver area blue (around ~ cmyk(0.898, 0.814, 0, 0.686))? Also like the inner gear theme you had in the earlier submission, please keep in this one. Thanks, Geoff
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