Ok LogoRoad, looks as if we are nearing the finishing line. Entry#12 is the logo design that's holding my attention, but are yet a few more changes I'd like for you to consider...
1) Transfer the bold-type of the "Property Management and Landscaping" from entry#13 and apply it entry#12.
2) Regarding the slogan, the yellow isn't doing as much as I initially thought it would. It seems that the garden green of the "MOW & TELL" may make a better impression there, so let's try that. Also, the font size of the slogan needs to be a size or two bigger than the font size of "Property Management and Landscaping." Moreover, please adopt the following example when making the requested change: "we don't cut grass... We Manicure Lawns!"
Additionally, after you have made the suggested foregoing changes, let me see how the finished product will look with a yellow yard tool( rake, hedge trimmer, shovel etc.) or two will look in the earth part of the pictorial portion of the logo design: a shovel and a rake criss-crossed, perhaps!
Looking forward to your reaction...