thanks for your rank, that's film bicycle. roll film as a front-wheel. "theatrical movie distribution in switzerland" that's what you do.. and i think distribution need transportation. and maybe classic transportation coz that will make make it "theatrical" enough.
ok nice background thought bout that bycicle ... it looks cool but maybe a lil too old-school for me. i would like to have it a lil more future oriented ... since everything gets released 2k dcp digital nowadays ... maybe u have some good idea in that direction. thanks
wow really love ur new contributions. definitely love to have some kinda MB initial. the hat is nice. but i think if ihave 2 white crosses its too much. i really like it in the letter o. so i'm thinking of something else then a hat which could go with the initial ... hmmm
thanks for your great rank and feedback, I'm really glad that you love the logo which I've made for you. If there's anything else I can do for you, please don't hesitate to ask. how about my new entry? hope you like it.
wow ur fast ... ok i really love the 2 lines on left and right of FILMS ... looks much better. the hat on entry 15 and 17 looks great, but im just figuring out what does this have to do with me or a distribution company, lol ...
thank you for your rank and feedback.. I always tried as quick as i can and as best as I can for the client satisfaction. but not when I'm asleep :D how about the rat who was pushing cheese? cheese .. is something that I know besides swiss hats and swiss cross. what about the swiss knife? but maybe I need a long time to apply it into design.. lol... hope you like it.
yea i know cheese chocolate and all that ... but should have something to do with movie or cinema or whatever ... i was thinking bout the mountain chain called churfirsten, ... i'm looking at them when i look out the window. so that might be some kinda option i dont know. the other option would be the castle .. ... just above the house i grew up. as u can see the city i live in also uses that castle in the logo ... hmm i dont know but those 2 things would have something in common with me. otherwise it would have to be something that has to do with the cinema branch ...
thanks for the new entries ... i really like the web 2.0 effect u added. but i think on the new ones theres too much stuff on there ... so on top it should have either the initials or the mountains with the castle. but both together is too much ...
#32 .. thats some sweet nice logo initial idea u got there .... ok you have tons of different designs. now please put one together like this ... like #25 but without the mb initial and the hat ... the hat looks really cool, but i still dont know what its for, lol
thank you for your rank and feedback, here is my new entry based on your feedback. the hat looks really cool.. i search that on google.. that's a swiss hat.. i dont know what its for too. but thats looks really cool for a logo.. lol
one more reason.. I think if a logo is only using initials or a symbol, the logo will look ordinary. less attractive.and too much in this world. I want to see people amazed, smiling, etc. a unique logo. because it will allow people to remember the logo that I created for clients. in this case.. that is you :)
yea ok i understand u ... the new entry #43 u made .. could u remove the MB initial once so its just the mountain and the castle?? ... i would like to see how it looks like. my problem is, even the initial looks cool. if i have the total i have 2 crosses, 1 in the initial and 1 in the o. thats actually too much. im not such a patriot, lol
that's my revision based on your feedback.. and taa daa.. thanks for your rank.. what can I revise that I always get the rank 1 and can be selected as a winner? lol
wow this new one MBF is even better ... can u do lil changes in #79 ... move the MBF logo like 1mm to the right, i know its in the middle now but still. and maybe also higher it for like 1mm. and can u make the cross in the o just a lil bit smaller? and maybe also the filmroll in the b a tiny smaller.
ok the MBF logo with the castle is too much ... i see u changed from 4 holes to 6 holes. i think 4 holes is correct. and actually the first one looks better with the bigger holes. but i just think they are coming too close to the letter B. so i guess something inbetween those 2 sizes of holes would be my fav. and u dindt make the white cross smaller, right? still looks the same to me.
oh yea i see u moved the MBF logo a lil up and a lil right .. thats perfect. but just the 4 holes once again a lil bigger then in the newest version and the swiss cross a lil smaller. i think thats it then
ok the white cross is perfect now .. i ranked ur newest entry on first. so if u can make the 4 holes just slightly bigger, maybe a lil smaller then the first one. if thers nothing in between then like the first one. i think thats the logo i should take. even those others look also really cool. this is my favorite. ... ok one more question. i know i wanted it black and grey and all. but would u color up one version just to see how it looks like? hmm maybe variations of blue, navy ... or green. .... or actually my favorite color yellow, but that would have to be with black background then. i dont want u to have lots of extra work, but believe me those are final touches for my number 1 pick, hehe
ok #84 has the perfect size of the swiss cross ... and #85 has the perfect size of the holes. if u change up either one of them its all good. and i hope u dont get offended if i move those logos that are not final into the not interesting logos list, ok ? i mean any ranks outside the number 10 wont give u any credits anyway, right?
yes.. i got it.. :D new entry already to pick okay.. please move my logos that are not final into the not interesting logos. in my portfolio, I also always remove the work that was not ranked first. coz i just want to collecting gold cup...because there is money in the gold cup hehe.. lol
sorry for so many rescaling swiss cross and hole... i try to find that with so many entry which i have transform to jpg in small size (350x280 pixel), with just a little pixel difference. but we can make it clear on warp up process (proof file). i think the resolution more better there (1000x800 pixel). Have a nice day matadewa
ok perfect read the email ... one more last thing ... i saw that the Z on moviebiz is really close to the i. could you make just a lil lil more space in between there? thats it ...