Personally I like the ellipse best because is more dramatic. On the other hand, the oval shape of the eye is more calm and abstract. Each one of them is suitable depending on the situation.
i forgot...still in #163, i was wondering about a change in the eye iris: now it is blue with a black dot inside, i have two ideas; 1- just make the internal dot silver surrounded by blue; 2- make the internal dot blue surrounded by silver...
ok, i made the switch; can you please move the feather outside as #163? then about the "signs" word: can you please schange font to "signs" ? sans serif is ok, i.g. arial (or other font, use your expertise) remove kerning, draw it a little bigger, and move a bit away from "MOSAICO" and from the tagline. i'm still uncetain between having the "eye" icon more oval or more ellipse... i'd like it to remind of an eye, but at the same time it should be explicitally an eye, just vaguely recall the eye concept...
or color the internal (all the hexagons aligned on the same "ring") ring/spiral with 1 color, the mid ring with another color, and the external ring with the 3rd color; but maybe this way the mosaic effect is lost... your thought?
In this design I tried to get as close as I could to the shape of #167. But due to the fact that it is made of connected elongated hexagons, they are not too flexible and I hadn`t had too much room for shaping them as you wanted.
On the other hand, in my opinion, even if entry #167 isn`t made literally of mosaic tiles, it expresses the mosaic feeling in an abstract way. Also, it looks good both in small and big version.
thanks for the effort, but my idea was probably wrong. effectively this way it looks too hippy ahahaahah and less an eye and more a vortex or spiral. i think that even if you reshape the spline as #167, the original eye shape, it could be not so appealing. what do you say? it takes too much time to do that try? if so don't do it. thx
too vague. i meant like #167 but with more tiles aligned togheter along the spline, and at the same time maintining the same eye elegant shape. but that is probably not easy with a small logo. it requires small tiles for a well defined pattern. make it sense? if you need i can send a sketch
ok, can you make the iris silver (like in #165)
, make the "eye" less flat, less almond shaped, a little bit "wide open"; and at htis point having the silver colour in the eye iris, what about take the silver out from the feather? and play only with yellow, godl. orange and teh blue family. don't know which one is better: one side hot colours, the other side cold colours, or random.... thank you
mmmhhh it has not changed too much. probably it works only doubling the spline with more tiles but then the icon loose his originality or the tiles become too small to be perceived what do you think? perhaps one solutions could be to have a full mosaic with black tiles for background where inside it there are the only coloured tiles forming the eye/spline. don't know if to leave the name and tagline separated from mosaic or not. any tips or idea are welcomed, thx
i was thinking aobut the blue "ellipse" around the black dot, to make it not blue having already blue the bigger ellipse, but in a different colours, like the iris inside an eye; what do you think? don't know if dark or light is better?
very nice, can you render the sketch that the feather pen is drawing as an stylized eye? with the feather drawing the iris? or something similar if you have some ideas ? thanks a lot
hi, good job, thanks a lot, can you please put the feather inside an ellittic-like image just like it was an irid inside the eye? keep the eye simple with just the edge and a light background eventually white. ask me if i ve been unclear... thanks
ok, is it possible to change the "font" of the M letter? or is it tough because of the hexagon pattern?. also trying to have the M blue and the background with yellow orange and light grey..thanks
not bad, can you make it more similar to a mosaic pattern / tiles the inside of the feather? usign edge of monochrome around each tiles? or is it too engulfed?
can you avoid red colour, and maybe try to inspire to scottish tartan design with just a couple or 3 colours meshed together? blue yellow/orange and grey (can it work or it's a weird combo?)
mmhhh not bad, not exactly the concept i had: light beam, object/image and glass (mosaic applied on object or glass wichever is better and also don't know if put glass behind or in front to filter the object - if i have explained badly let me know) but a good start.
Comment Activity
Personally I like the ellipse best because is more dramatic. On the other hand, the oval shape of the eye is more calm and abstract. Each one of them is suitable depending on the situation.
If you`d like to see further revisions, just ask.
Kind regards.
Your contest is in "Selection" phase, meaning that only the 1st ranked designer may submit revisions during this time.
Therefore, in order to see revisions from a specific designer, you simply rank one of his/her designs in the 1st place (even if temporarily).
Once you send me the revisions you want and put me in the 1st position, I will upload the updated designs.
Thank you.
On the other hand, in my opinion, even if entry #167 isn`t made literally of mosaic tiles, it expresses the mosaic feeling in an abstract way. Also, it looks good both in small and big version.
What do you think?
Personally I think the hexagons are too small but I`ll give it a try and see how does it look like.
You can upload it here:
and paste the link here.
Thank you.
, make the "eye" less flat, less almond shaped, a little bit "wide open"; and at htis point having the silver colour in the eye iris, what about take the silver out from the feather? and play only with yellow, godl. orange and teh blue family. don't know which one is better: one side hot colours, the other side cold colours, or random.... thank you
Thank you.
Kind regards.
Kind regards.
Here are the updated designs as per your request. If you`d like to see further revisions, just let me know.
Kind regards.
Here are my ideas for your consideration.
Feedback is welcome.