I like the strength of it, the upward tilt of the moose, and the active look to it. The moose looks a bit like a bull, perhaps a little more antler. I'm not sure about the font, where in software the bottom of the s and e close up a bit. I think the white background with colored image is best (#56).
Definitely better, and I loved it when I first saw it. It has since been surpassed (this is really a tough competition!). I'm not sure how to make it better. I think it would be making it bolder and more eye catching while adding a level of polish. I tell you, I am going to feel badly for anyone in the top 5 who doesn't win. You guys all did a great job.
The good thing about #81 is the way the moose is climbing to the top, or is at the top, and the activeness of the grass patch. That seems to get lost in the latest. #141 has a level of polish with the gradient and the drop shadow, though.
Ok, I can see that now when you point it out, but I didn't see it initially. #141 has a good polish level, but I like the message of #81 better. I thinking combining the best elements of each is the way to go.
Welcome to the top 5! #169 looks very good. I wonder what would happen if you enlarge the moose more so it extends further out of the circle? Also, is it possible to add the tag line "On time, on budget, locally grown" below? I'm going to have another person look at #174 tomorrow. Thanks
Great job! I would suggest making the outline of the antlers outside the circle a touch heavier. It can get a little lost at a glance - not much though. And can "Software" be in green? The gray lets it get lost as well. This is really, really good, and you've worked hard on it. I truly appreciate it.
You're right, that does look better. Unfortunately, you got leapfrogged. I don't know what you can do to get back to #1. This is where my artistic ability ends. It's a great logo, and we really do wish we could use two.
Well, that might have been enough. We are going back and forth with the top 2. I don't think it would make a difference in the outcome, but we would want to go with the head angle and front hoof of #199, with all the other elements of #212. It makes it a bit sleeker, and the head is looking up. Other than that, it really comes done to which message do we want to send.
Congratulations! We have selected your logo! This was an incredibly close contest, and I think all of the entries got better every day (sometimes hourly). The logo you've done far exceeded my expectations at the beginning of this, so thank you very much. I'm working with a new website design, and have a background area with a gradient going from dark green (#005923) to light (#13B13D). The colors in the logo don't quite match that, and I'm not sure they need to, but I wonder what happens if you take your dark green to the #005923, or nearby in that spectrum? I don't want to mess with the lighter color, because the yellow tint gives that lightning bolt affect I like. Let me know if this is a horrible idea, and I'll muck with the site colors. Thanks, Keith
Thanks so much Keith! I just took a look at that color and it defn does not match with the blue/purplish color that I used. The green that you mentioned is almost like an army green so I think the whole color scheme in the logo would need to change if you wanted to use that color. It is not as bright and dynamic as the current green shades that are being used but let me know whatever you want.
Hmm, not sure that went in the perfect direction? What were you going for?
On the colors, I thought you were going to tell me that. Can you give me the hex code for the darkest, mid-range, and lightest color you're using? I wasn't sold on the tone on the site template anyway. Thanks, Keith
In #218, I thought the tagline looked a little better smaller than the word Mooseworks but dont worry we can just keep it as is in #217. The two greens I used are "d6de23" and "8bc53f."
I believe according to site rules, I am not allowed to give my contact info until the contest is officially over. I am happy to do that after, though :)