Can you bring the left antler towards the snout a little and put the shading back into it. Bring the right antler in a little closer to the head and get rid of a little bit of the weathering in that antler. Give a little bit of weathering to all of the lettering but restore some of the ‘D’. I think the weathering in the ‘O’ of dog looks like a pretty good standard.
Maybe some different antlers. Something a little more natural looking. The right side antler closer to the head (shorter stem) and looking more like part of the head. And a different filter for the “weathering”.
I really like the direction and especially the dog head itself. Could you use some antlers that have a small amount of texture and maybe a couple more tines. Move the antlers (at least the right side) up so that they are positioned in front of the ears and bring the right antler in closer to the head. Could you also give the rest of the logo a little bit of a weathered look?
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Kindly review #47
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thank you for your feedback
I will fix the design.
Thank you
Kind regards, Stella