I think I like where this is going.
Can you align the coffee bean to where it fits naturally in the word?
I was wanting heavier lines on the dog head and antlers but I do like the heavier border as well so we can keep that too!
Can you: make the border lines a little bit thicker?
Make the neck line more like #44 and add the collar back in with a coffee bean tag?
Make the ring bigger to encompass more of the main image and also make room for the collar and tag?
revision :
text reworked. more solid "O"s.
reworked allover , left some distress effect here and there, added tongue shadow, removed all the wisps , left a few but thicker, where necessary .
Can you bring the right antler in closer to the head some, make the whole logo green, give some texture to end of the tongue (like in the previous version), and make the 'O's a little more solid while still retaining some weathering look (we want this to look good and legible as a rubber stamp)? I don't much care for the tufts of hair on the neck line in either version and would prefer just the stenciled look to match the rest.
Yes. I saw that the antlers are simpler in the other two. Maybe those without the wisps would be good. I think I would like this with the green border as well.
i can try. in the meantime maybe check my other two entries.
the head and antlers are heavy simplified, and in one of the entries the antlers are smaller.
Best, Dan
Can you simplify the dog head a little by eliminating the wispy shadowing and simplifying the bottom neck line some so that it’s not as textured? Also eliminate some of the antler root on the right hand antler to bring it in closer to the head and cut out some of the smaller detailing in the antlers themselves. I like the antlers having some texture to them but maybe just some of the chunkier stuff.
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found a small glitch, corrected.
had to rotate the text a few pixels...
Can you align the coffee bean to where it fits naturally in the word?
I was wanting heavier lines on the dog head and antlers but I do like the heavier border as well so we can keep that too!
Make the neck line more like #44 and add the collar back in with a coffee bean tag?
Make the ring bigger to encompass more of the main image and also make room for the collar and tag?
text reworked. more solid "O"s.
reworked allover , left some distress effect here and there, added tongue shadow, removed all the wisps , left a few but thicker, where necessary .
layout used as per ranked entry.
the head and antlers are heavy simplified, and in one of the entries the antlers are smaller.
Best, Dan