Sure, will do, but I also noticed similar entries with the concept of arrows around N. How about those?Just want to know it it's their idea or yours. Thanks!
Hi! I'm on it! Just wanted to clarify whether the idea of a dot before m is your idea. I see that currently top ranked designer is using this concept, and since we're not allowed to copy ideas from other designers, I need to know if it's your concept. Thanks!
Put a period before the m. Erase everything except the word moorsweN. Keep that upside down N. That’s cool! Put a reverse button in the pocket of the N on top. Put a matching play button in the pocket of the bottom N and make both little buttons in the Facebook logo blue. Thank you!
Looks cool. Add “Newsroom” under it so the capital N would be under the m. I like that line. If you did one with an arrow on each end to show moorsweN is Newsroom spelled backwards that may be the look. Thank you!
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