like 'moore' and 'impact' in two different colors, though not my favorite shades of green. maybe try blues - that is my favorite color. feel free to suggest a companion color. (pls keep in mind that I choose these colors because of what logotournament suggested they convey, eg growth/green, blue/knowledge, orange/creative. Is there a font that conveys impact better? i like including the words envision, expand, explore. i would like the graphic to convey those words in a simple/clear design
I choose the combination of blue and green to represent the sky, earth, mountains. Also this are the color of creativity, success, prosperity and in the same time of dynamic.
thanks! i have often thought about mountains as an image for the company. Love the idea of sky, earth, mountains (and oceans too) as a symbol of my preference for sustainable projects. the more simply put, the better. the green in #17 is not my favorite - i prefer the lighter gren in #12. i'm not sure that either word needs to have more emphasis - the right font (a clean, clear, uncomplicated one) should say it all. i prefer the simplicity of print v. script. i must say i am drawn to the colors in #22. i also like the colors and clean look in ranking #5 and #6.
Thank you. I love the river and mountain, especially in #62 and #63. It says so much!
1. The words seem busy with so many different colors. Would you considier just putting the words in black or all in one color? I like a super clean font similar to the one used in #47 and #48.
2. You made the sustainable message crystal clear. I also get the challenge of conquering the mountain peak. Is there a way to address the visioning/exploring aspect or will that destroy the simplicity that I love so much? I like the reference to the compass in #47 and #48. Simplicity is most important and I realize this request may not be possible.
Thank you for your feedback. Very, very helpful for me! I will try to simplify my work as much as I can!
I think that I have an idea hot to show the visioning part. But will have to think about the exploring thing, although the mountain already persist in the logo - once as an element form the earth and once representing the adventure, the exploring of the new.
Intentionally enlarged the mountain so the challenge of exploring is more. Make the river shorter - so the final destination will be reached faster. And it makes the logo more clean and tidy.
Your advice for the color of the name was good - black. Neutral color.
Could you remove the shadow under the river in #62 and all black lettering?
Could I also see #94 w/out the line at the top of the mountain?
Then could you do #94 w MOORE and IMPACT on two different linees, probably in all caps so that Envision, Explore, Expand be centered underneath as you have in #62.
Thanks for trying the eye on the mountain for visioning. It doesn't quite work because it reminds me of an Egyptian pyramid.
Would it work if the mountain and river were set in front of a round circle? I'm wondering if the circle could symbolize a global sphere of influence and possibilities while the mountain and riverrepresent clear challenges? Maybe Im getting carried away...
Revision - the name is in dark gray. I let myself not to be as you requested - black, because I think it's getting very heavy. Dark gray gives more calmness to the logo.
Revision - the same logo but in front of a green cycle to represent the earth - influence and possibilities and the while the mountain and river - representing clear challenges.
Here the green circle (representing the earth), has been attached with one more meaning - this little triangles, first of all are little mountains, second of all are little arrows pointing the expanding (gaining, achieving, developing, etc.) and pointing that there are a lot of opportunities and directions to choose (just like the compass rays but simplified).
Thanks. i met with my team and we like #76 and 60. Could you put the emphasis on 'impact' instead of 'moore'? Moore seems to be either darker or bolder and stand out more in both. Like the upper and lower case options in 76 and 119. is that a navy blue? it's fine, just checking to see what color it is. The colors in 76 are good - stronger and more timeless in 76. thanks!
Thanks. I like the angle of the swooshes in #76 and the layout of the letters (i.e. impact does not run into the swooshes) - just need 'impact' to have the impact. I'd also like to keep it to two colors and black if needed. Not sure what those tow colors should be but they should be strong and timeless. This is great. thanks.