We love this design but have a concern which I'll share. We fear that the gradiated color in the light will make it hard to transfer colors, print in grayscale, or shrink, etc. One of our people asked if you could send a "transparent" copy--does that make sense to you? If not, I'll get clarification. Thank you.
I like this direction a lot--using same concept but with different style. Not sure we need the yellow star because the idea is that the destination is the whole new day or time suggested by the promise of the lit edge of moon. Would love to see variations that accentuate 3-D nature of moon, and show brightness of that edge without literal beams. Possible? Thank you!
Been thinking about this image a lot. I love how it suggests the destination not just as a fixed point/star, but that it seems like there's a whole dawn waiting. Here's what I'm wondering: since this image will often be small (an icon for an app, etc), can this image, with its detail and gradients, translate to those formats? Anyway, just thought I'd let you know that the image has been on my mind.
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