Thanks for your continued interest and sharing great feedback. I added a few new designs to look at. These are simpler with a white background and different fonts. Let me know what you think—thanks!
Hi! We like the grey colored leaf a lot. Turns out we prefer the larger cluster of grapes. We like the cursive for the Montana but can you try a different font. Can we try the Vine and Wine in a smaller font. With just the white for the background within the state.
Ha! I can relate with you there. Let me try adding back the old board / shiplap look into this option. We'll remove green altogether and see how it shakes out.
This is nice, almost prefer this leaf. But, with the other logo, it looks like old boards, which I kinda like...I'm just not a fan of the color green, which explains why I have no money...
So sorry for the delay! I went ahead and scaled down the grape cluster and have a new rendition uploaded for you. Regarding the label, I work with a printer who could actually cut a custom shape to match the edging on the logo, which would look fantastic on a bottle!
Yes - I think this color scheme works better! Is it possible to shrink the size of the grapes/leave just a little bit? Also, the need for a frame/border may be needed for a bottle label; just a black chalk square around this?? I'm not sure...
Thanks for your feedback! That's great input on the color arrangement—I'll try bringing in more burgundy tones. It was exciting to see a Montana logo pop up on Logo Tournament! I'm based out of Billings. Please let me know if you have any further ideas you'd like to see integrated.
Perhaps there is too much purple, what with the grapes and font. Perhaps a red Montana, while the rest are still purple. Or vine and wine in red/maroon?
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