we dont want to use name montana summit in logo... but this a good start and strong style we are looking for. some other versions of this as this is on the right track
I need you to put one of my designs at the rank 1st because in this phase only the first rank can submit an entry. You already give a chance for me so I really want to show you this designs.
it is worth to do some modification so can be the winner here. many of the top movie stars will be seeing the winning logo
look at ranked #1 entre and try to modify yours to these suggestions:
1-lose the crown top center/and lose central lion head on shield center 2- have shield not be flat at top but peaked 3-make lions more masculine and a bit more modern 4-have twin swords coming in behind the shield and expose the hilt/handle 5-parapit of castle tower at base of shield 6-put stars above (5) for sky 7-save space below words montana summit for latin phrase in script. maybe you can suggest a phrase.
it is worth to do some modification so can be the winner here. many of the top movie stars will be seeing the winning logo
look at ranked #1 entre and try to modify yours to these suggestions:
1-lose the crown top center/and lose central lion head on shield center 2- have shield not be flat at top but peaked 3-make lions more masculine and a bit more modern 4-have twin swords coming in behind the shield and expose the hilt/handle 5-parapit of castle tower at base of shield 6-put stars above (5) for sky 7-save space below words montana summit for latin phrase in script. maybe you can suggest a phrase.
skytree: had board meeting to get consensus: -lose the the crown, -make spears swords like present #1 pick -peak the shield in center -lose lion head in center of shield and -make center shield in 4 sections..diagonal sections black and checker board and other diagonal two -one with twin peaks mountains road to nowhere and other section castle modeled after present #1 pick. dont give up on competition. down to wire
yes sir, i can change it like what you want, but if this already #1 concept from the first start, i'm not allowed to follow it. except this is contest holder briefing #1 so he did that, and i could do it too thank you