I just updated my rankings. I personally like them. I am the final decision maker, but will be working with my print company to make certain the logos can be re-created at a reasonable cost.
I like the color fading on the wings, but don't know how that will be when putting logos on things.
Also, catch the glide is tough to see.
The angled segway rider is much preferred over the ones directly coming at you.
I look forward to working with you in the next phase of this competition.
Thanks so much for all your hard work. I recently found out from Segway that they have wordmark requirement that has to be in all logos. Please see the attachments in the brief, and some postings in there. I have asked for an extension to my contest from the web-site promoter and hope they will give more time. I hope you will try to improve your design to include this change!
Please read the entire brief for more info about what we have liked so far.
how about #35 with maybe a colored handlebar and shaft, and a colored hubcap on the one wheel? Also, can you try making the blue on the mountains actually black?
Thanks! I bumped you from the top 5 for a little while to let a few others resubmit their logos with the new segway font. I like your person on the segway the best. Notice how the handlebar almost lines up with the letters? Any way you could bring the segway rider a little more to the front and dissolve the letters back a little bit? I am liking the word montana bigger, but i just don't think that will work in your logo.
Can't see the slogan very well - I prefer a complete letter A and not a V upside down. I prefer a female rider, and if we can show a helmet on her - even better.
How about the little Segway guy logo? Can u work him in?