Thanks so much for all your hard work. I recently found out from Segway that they have wordmark requirement that has to be in all logos. Please see the attachments in the brief, and some postings in there. I have asked for an extension to my contest from the web-site promoter and hope they will give more time. I hope you will try to improve your design to include this change!
Please read the entire brief for more info about what we have liked so far.
i love 73 - and the people in it as well. The flowing hair is cool, but segway might think they dont have helmets on. They are picky about that. See what you can do about that. Maybe put a colored helmet on them?
Could you do something with clothing on the people as well? Maybe a shirt that has your logo on it? Short sleeve or long sleeve? Kick it around, they gave us more time!!!!!
The slogan has changed to "ride the glide" as mentioned 3-4 days ago. Those logos that don't have that change have been moved to not interested in. If you want to be back in the top 5, please change your logo.