MonarchLogo Design Contest

Logo Design Contest
Contests / Monarch

Monarch has selected their winning logo design.

For $375 they received 137 designs from 33 different designers from around the world.






































Prefers others.


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Prefers others.


Prefers others.


Prefers others.


Prefers others.


Prefers others.


Prefers others.


Logo Designer
I value contest holder feedback...

(This comment references Entry #1)
13 years ago
Logo Designer

(This comment references Entry #2)
13 years ago
Logo Designer

(This comment references Entry #3)
13 years ago
Logo Designer

(This comment references Entry #4)
13 years ago
Logo Designer

(This comment references Entry #5)
13 years ago
Logo Designer
Any of these (or other) ideas can be developed as you see fit...

(This comment references Entry #6)
13 years ago
Logo Designer
Turns out #6 is remarkably similar to another existing mark, so I've pulled it and will re-work the concept soon.
13 years ago
Logo Designer

(This comment references Entry #7)
13 years ago
Entry #1 Hi Steve,Thanks you very much for all of your submissions....Let me begin by saying I have a minimum of artistic ability,,,,so although I may float a few ideas,feel free to provide alternative ideas.....I really liked submission #1..I am curious how the icon would look if it were a bitsmaller.I am also curious how the same design would look with a different font and my tagline a bit larger....There are 3 of your designs that I really love......As I described in the narrative I have a very conservative audience...The name of my company should have been Health Insurance Strategies and Solutions..but that wouldn't fly,however that is what my clients are truly interested in....I may come back to the original design ,but I would like to see a few font/size/proportion variations. for #1....If I am not clear,I will be happy to provide more detail...
13 years ago
Design #2
Steve...My advisory crew likes this design a lot......The only concern I am having is the icon...I love the idea,but I am afraid it is too High tech for my audience...The icon does convey creativity and strategy.......I may need to add a bit more convention to this one...Any ideas....I still don't want to part with this one. There is something about it I energy.
13 years ago
Entry #3 I have similar feedback about this choice as I do #1..I like it a lot,however I would like to see the icon sized a bit smaller and the choice of a different font...
13 years ago
#5 I love the simplicity of this logo for my audience...think conservatives..How do you think it will look with my tagline a bit bigger..Would it impair the visual?????
13 years ago
Entry #7 Steve in many ways this is one of my favorites.....I would like to see a few color variations to the icon and if possible I would like to see the icon and company name a bit smaller(not to totally overpower my tagline)

Unfortunately,I have a lot of info to include on my business card and I want to maintain a clean look......I love this one and again would like to tell you how much I appreciate your designs..They are wonderfulllll
13 years ago
Logo Designer
Hi (Cookie, is it?),

I'll take your kind and specific feedback on board and provide further options soon...

13 years ago
Logo Designer
other variations to follow...

(This comment references Entry #8)
13 years ago
Logo Designer

(This comment references Entry #9)
13 years ago
Logo Designer

(This comment references Entry #10)
13 years ago
Logo Designer

(This comment references Entry #11)
13 years ago
Logo Designer

(This comment references Entry #12)
13 years ago
Logo Designer
ready for your next round of feedback...

(This comment references Entry #15)
13 years ago
Hi Steve...I love a number of the designs you have submitted...For me it is just a question of scale (proportion of logo to font)and changing one element without influencing the placement of my tagline which again for me is the important message....I prefer the tagline on one line however,I didn't mind the format used on #15.I eliminated a few of the designs for that reason only(as well as color choice of butterfly on revised entry #4. Generally speaking,I am still drawn to the original four you submitted.After reviewing color and font variations I prefer the originals....a few thoughts...On entry 7 how do you think it would look if we made the logo a bit smaller but in the same color way originally submitted(rank #2)..I want to be sure that in shrinking the icon we don't shrink the tagline...Entry #2(rank 4) is also very appealing I am still struggling as to whether it is a bit too flashy for my audience(although everyone loves this one....)Entry #5(rank 3) is who my audience actually is,yet is almost too conservative.....What do you think of pepping it up with a tiny crown in lieu of the cross(for Excellence)Steve I really like your ideas,and most importantly I think you understand what I am looking for,and who my customer is....Please keep them coming..I am always excited to review your submissions..Thanks for the great work..Cookie
13 years ago
Logo Designer
To make things a bit less confusing, be sure, when refering to a particular entry, that you use the number sign and the entry number - disregard the current ranking order as that is the point of confusion. So, for example, #7 ( #plus7 ) becomes a tip-over for my M as cross design and that, rather than where it is ranked, is the real object of discussion. Same goes for other entries - the order in which they came in ( #n ) is the important thing.

Thanks again for your specific feedback. I'll sort through it and post more soon...
13 years ago
Hi Steve,
i apologize for the confusion....I am getting my feet wet on this process,and I can understand the confusion.I was actually confusing myself,when referencing the numbers.....In any case thanks again and yes it is Cookie.
Take Care
13 years ago
Logo Designer
Hi Cookie,

What do you think of these proportions?

(This comment references Entry #20)
13 years ago
Hi Steve
I have spent a great deal of time studying the logos and,I have also engaged the feedback of a number of friends.Would it be possible to tweak #7 and #9.
#7 how do you think the gold cross icon would look a bit smaller.....I would also like to see that icon with the font of entry#1..I love the monarch in black font and the tagline in blue..I guess that would not work but any variations would be welcome.I also prefer the tagline on oneline....
#9 this continues to be a favorite.The butterfly icon strength is the color,but it reminds me a bit of the NBC peacock which distracts me..any ideas.....Please do not hesitate to introduce any ideas you have ..I love your designs....Thanks
13 years ago
Hi Steve I just received #20 and I like it very much..Is it possible to use "monarch"from #1 and everything else from #20..Is it possible to merge those two..Thanks again....Cookie
13 years ago
Logo Designer
I might have to make compromises - part of the trick is to provide width enough to keep the tagline prominent and #20 achieves this by virtue of the wider 'monarch' font. I'll experiment a bit more and post later this evening.
13 years ago
Logo Designer
...further adjustments to this design. Original font, but smaller (everything else un-changed). I actually don't mind what we call the 'ragged' edge of the text as it does serve to lend additional emphasis to the sub-text (which in your ideal world is the main message anyway). Thoughts...?

Still working on refinements to the others and will post those soon, but I've been wanting to get the overall proportions sorted out first.

(This comment references Entry #24)
13 years ago
Hi Steve

I like #24 alot..I am struggling with only one refinement...the & sign on the tagline,compared to (and)..These kind of skills are not part of my talent base,but I am very aware of how diificult it is to sometimes change one element without influencing the others(my secretary has taught me that)
I also would love to tweak #7.I am also very serious about this choice .It reads medical/health insurance which is a big plus..I am personally a very visual person and I am drawn to this...I would like to work with the proportions font something,,to refine it a bit..My ideal is to be standing next to your computer while you run 6 or 7 variations..Since that is not possible,I am open to your thoughts and the variations you prefer..We share similar taste and you totally understand what I am looking for...I am very serious about the item numbers mentioned but I would like to move to the tweak stage..Thanks again Steve..I love your ideas. Cookie
13 years ago
Logo Designer
"My ideal is to be standing next to your computer while you run 6 or 7 variations." I hear you. In fact, I've often worked that way, both IRL (in real life) and over the web. Anyway, I haven't forgotten about #7 and will be posting iterations of that next. Stay tuned...

(wise secretary, btw:))
13 years ago
Logo Designer
Slightly elongated main text to accomodate larger size sub-text. Smaller icon with subtle tweaks to mitigate the effects of smaller scale. I'll post some colour variations next...

(This comment references Entry #30)
13 years ago
Logo Designer
one colour (economy, fax/photocopy, silkscreen, sandbasting, etc...)

(This comment references Entry #31)
13 years ago
Logo Designer
a single accent colour leverage-able on other branding collateral...(various options are possible against the blue)

(This comment references Entry #32)
13 years ago
Logo Designer
accent with matching tag...

(This comment references Entry #33)
13 years ago
Logo Designer
you can do a lot with just two colours...

(This comment references Entry #34)
13 years ago
Logo Designer

(This comment references Entry #35)
13 years ago
Logo Designer
reversed on a subtle gradient background...

(This comment references Entry #36)
13 years ago
Hi Steve I just saw the new entries,but haven't had a chance to review them...I just wanted to deliver a major thanks for the many choices you provided..I mentioned my dream was 6 or7..Thanks for delivering..You have been terrific..I will be in touch as soon as I study the options.I just wanted to take a moment to tell you how much I appreciate all of your efforts.
13 years ago
Hi Steve....I love the tweaked designs.....Let me begin with #34,#35 and #36..In some sense this prototype is the most striking,and very powerful..The problem for me is that although I love the look,the business card itself has to be white or ivory......I actually love # 30,31,32,33 and I have to zero in on the color way that will be elegant yet distinctive.I have 3 questions
What is the measurement of the Monarch font...I would like to compare it to the size of the business card to assess the look.
Is it possible in fact to downsize the logo a bit if I needed to and still retain the look
How do you think this logo treatment will look in a blue and black color way.
Steve thanks again for everything..I don't know the dos and dont's of communication during the contest,but you are doing a great job.Cookie
13 years ago
Hi Steve one more question...Is the gold tone you used on #33 the same as #7..I t may be my morning vision but color on #7 looks a bit more like gold leaf which I like..What are your thoughts...
13 years ago
Hi Steve, Is there an opportunity to see this in the format of a business card layout.It would really help me Thanks a lot Cookie
13 years ago
OhI forgot The above 8:23 comment refers to #30 Thanks
13 years ago
Hi Steve..Entry #9 received a lot of positive feedback. On this one...can we keep size small and fit tagline on one line?
Thanks and sorry for the requests.I am trying to avoid extending the contest which is why I am requesting so many tweaks...I feel we are in the home stretch .....If it will help I can certainly extend the time line...I know you have a million of these requests daily..I honestly don't know how you keep up....Now that I think about it your 2:30a.m. logins probably have something to do with it..Good Luck
13 years ago
Logo Designer
Yes, Cookie, I keep some pretty loose hours. I try to keep myself available for family and that often means my quiet-able-to-think-clearly time is at the end of the day.

- #33 is a different colour-way than #7
- business card layouts are a no-no on Logotournament and in any event, I never 'give it away for free', as they say.
- rest assured that the designs are fully scalable, large or small. Vector art is always scalable: some better than others but I'm fastidious about the details and always design with a view to maximum flexibility/versatility.
- also rest assured that I will be more than happy to make adjustments as you see fit during or after contest close. (Extension? That's up to you but, no need on my account;))
-#9 - that one's still on my to-do list and I'll be sure to post on that one soon.

13 years ago
Hi Steve ..Thank you for the feedback..Many of the tournament rules are clear,some less so...It did not occur to me to request the layout of the logo on a business card...One of the tournament designers extended the offer to me,which led me to believe it was part of the process.I go strictly by the book,so I hope you will accept my apologies for the innocent request...

I would like to begin drilling down on the one I am currently most interested in #30..I would like your opinion on how you think this will look on a white card with some other basic info included..I have an aversion to a cluttered business card and prefer a cleaner look..I don't have imagination when it comes to logos(just insurance!)Do you think the font is right for what I am looking for or do we need to try variations.I like the font and color way.I just want to ensure proportion.Any thoughts or advice while we are zeroing in would be great..

By the way cudos on the family!!!!It absolutely pays itself forward!!I speak from experience. Cookie
13 years ago
Logo Designer
#30 - the fonts are very clean, crisp, and readable at any size and they both come in a full range of weights so they can be tweaked task-specific if needed. I'm all for clean, functional design too - especially on a card front. I'm not averse to using the card back also, though. That might be the place to go with solid background colour something like #36, maybe the logo enlarged as a watermark, and your tagline reiterated larger. (Did I just 'design' a card?;))

By the way, have you thought about gold foil stamping on an embossed card? Could look pretty awesome on #30...
13 years ago
Logo Designer
This is nice and tight...

(This comment references Entry #60)
13 years ago
Logo Designer
couldn't resist showing this one on a coloured background too...

(This comment references Entry #61)
13 years ago
Hi Steve..Thank you for three things..the great designs...the humor and ESP...
I was just contemplating the gold leaf.I think it would have a refined and distinctive look.
Thanks for the laughs..I am probably breaking another rule,,,but I must say I am down to #30 which I really love and # 60 which I feel reads creativity...The insurance business in Massachusetts is very institutional.....When I look at #30 it reads strength and medical insurance#60 reads ideas.....That is where I am..
The ESP comes in because I was just contemplating using the back of the card.....What are your thoughts on these two choices#30 and #60....I am very impressed that you have taken all top 10 spots..You have done a terrific job..Hopefully tomorrow we can move forward and take it from there..I am interested on your take on the two card choices,since you design and review day in and day out.....I don't know if you are a New Englander,if you are you will understand the conservative bend....Take Care and Thanks again Cookie
13 years ago
Logo Designer
Been to New England area and very much liked it - felt right at home, you might say. Cape Cod struck a real chord with me. What a flood the year I was there - water well above my car's axle!

With respect to the two designs: It's easy to be seduced by colour. There's a creative's saying that goes "If you can't make it good, make it big, and if you still can't make it good, make it colour. Of course, my design is good and colourful;). I guess though, all things considered, I'd be inclined to go with #30. It does read industry specific. Also, I think there is a creative aspect to the M's as cross which your clients will likely appreciate, without any risk of being put off (stodgy New Englanders, lol).

Let me know if you need any final tweaks or experiments...
13 years ago
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