entry #8 I really like the idea of implementing a "body" figure into the design, but this one just makes it look more like the letter "T" than a J. Maybe you can incorporate a set of outstretched arms just beneath the dot over the j. It would look like a body thats elated with joy...hopefully that makes sense. I have the very same type symbol on my current logo which you can see for clarification at www.painmechanics.com Thank you
Thank you very much for the feedback, I do understand your view the J onj entry #8 and i´ll work on it, with your suggestions in mind.
About the low participation, there´s no specific reason for it, but i can say that in this last 24 hours of the open phase you´ll start to see a lot more entries, and the more specific feedback you give , more you´ll see. The only thing i can suggest you, is to search for designers you like the style, or you think fits the style you´re looking for, and send them a PM inviting them to your contest.