I like #72 MOJO font style but not really the top logo as much.
How about working with just the word mark with art & Image inder spanning the entire width. Dot the J with a paint blob short brush stroke looking element in bright red.
could also show either the first "O" or "J" in MOJO illustrated in a artistic brush stroke in bright accent color.
basically 3 letters would be clean and one would have a hand drawn feel.
This would cover both art and image concepts IMO.
I think that 32, 52 & 61 are too busy for the style we are going for but thank you for the variety of looks as this is very helpful to me to consider all possibilities.
Not sure if you have time to tweak #32 to make it bolder and more simplisyic and a 2 color...
My thoughts would be to go with the stroke style of the "M" use that for the entire "MOJO" name.
The stroke could be thicker and and a little more rounded as it turns at the top of the "M". (Like you took a paint brush and wrote "MOJO" out.) Next...move the lt. blue "A" abstract mark to under the second peak of the "M" and then write out "Art & Image" under the "OJO" I would take out the darker blue paint stripe all together as that is where the tag line will go.
Maybe do this in black and a bright contrast color.