Modicum Solar, Inc.Logo Design Contest

Logo Design Contest
Contests / Modicum Solar, Inc.

Modicum Solar, Inc. has selected their winning logo design.

For $500 they received 193 designs from 34 different designers from around the world.










Prefers others.


Prefers others.


#118 - Yours is the first entry to take into account our requests for a nautilus design. Thank you very much for that! We think this is a beautiful design, but after seeing other concepts we realize that the nautilus concept may not efficiently convey what our company does - selling solar water heaters.

#121, 122 - These images look to us more like flowers, or one of those finger-safe 12V car fans.

#123 is the winner between it and 124 and 125. In fact, #123 is very attractive indeed, and conveys the concept of solar water heating at first glance. It is definitely our favorite of all the above mentioned concepts, having good balance and natural beauty in the "white space". Well done!

We looked through your portfolio when we first began the contest, and were hoping you would enter ours, seeing as you are the #1 designer on this website.

As we have had many new exciting designs in the final hours of our contest, we have extended it by 7 days, and hope to see some more of your concepts.

Thank you very sincerely for your work on these entries.

15 years ago
Thank you very much for your work on this contest. This is an exciting design and I love the way the light plays with the elements and draws out different views.
Thanks again for your entry. We wish you the best in the future.
15 years ago
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