ENTRY 10 I like where it is going with the visual concept simplicity. Not yet sold on the arch though... see if you can come up w a variation? I do not want to emphasize the "1" really, which is why yours is closer than some others so far.
ENTRY 10, 45, 48, 51, 52 These are great. I like that font a lot. Can you explain the thought behind the empty-not closed off bottom of the right base of the first arch? Also-- please try a combo of the #48 graphic (the smoother smaller arch and button) with the newer font. ALSO try #45 graphic with the newer font, too.
Thank you for the feedback. I shall do the revision and upload it ASAP. With regards to the empty-not closed bottom it is nothing but want to show the connectivity between the two M's. If you see it starts with the open end and continues further to complete the two M's. Regards, digiartz
This looks good. You will see a newcomer also has entered the contest and ranking high, like you. ASK: Please show me what entry #57 might look like in both a "stacked" text like below, and also in 2 colors--not using grey. Thanks!!