Very interesting - love how what you did with the MLM to the left of Growth Mastery. Can we try it without the white lines extending all the way down? So it just looks like orange stairs under the MLM... not sure it will work, or maybe make the white lines going down between the growth pillars a little more subtle somehow. Great submission, thanks!
Really like these... I think #71 the best... can you try one more thing - keep the blue background behind the M, L, and M, and straighten off the edge on the orange bars, so the MLM is really easy to use. Well done! Thanks!
Sir. I understand what do you want that I changed, but there is one problem. If I will do so changes, then my designs will look similiar other designer's work - the MML on bars. And I don't have right to make something similiar design. I hope that you understand me. And what about my designs - I can say that entry #71 is realy the best.