I've already uploaded final files for both versions. The second one you will find in private messages tab. Please let me know if you have any troubles with accessing files.
If you finalize the contest I will upload additional version to private messaging channel. Both versions are already done and contain the same elements so no extra charge is necessary.
1. Keep this shape
2. Keep background black, but take out red bottom background, making it all black.
3. Keep 'Aviation Innovations' on the bottom in white, but with a red shadow instead of black.
4. Keep 'MJ' same colors and style, but just one size larger.
5. Keep plane wing type the same as this one, but use front windshield and nose of prior plane type #21.
6. Please make a little smaller so only the wings are sticking out (nose in) and hopefully you can add the air swoosh around the other propeller like #21.
Please let me know if you have any questions. Thank you!!
I like the transform of the rear window into the black swoosh. If you could try a Beechcraft Barron or King Air 200/350 and maybe make with the wings sticking out of the background again like #8. Maybe make the dark gray background darker or even black.
#49#50#51 - requested versions. I didn't make three blue/red/white stripes as I was afraid they could be too similar to Russian Federation flag. As for the airplane model I drew this one specially for this contest - looking at the couple of photos. It is stylized version (like for example fourth window transforms into the black swoosh) of modern twin engine aircraft. I made it also a bit more streamlined when compared to real ones. If you want it to be closer to the actual aircraft model please name it and I will try to make it as close as possible.
Really liking this one. Can we see it with different fonts. Maybe make the MJ either red and black or red. Can we see this one with the original shape but with the plane still all the way in. Do you have any other planes like a Beechcraft King Air or Beechcraft Baron? I do like the Piper Comanche in this but if you have different planes we could see that would be great.
Thank you! I made seven versions with different layouts and color combos so we can narrow it down to the one that works for you best. Personally I like more the one with wings going outside the circle as it adds more dynamics but if you need a regular round patch you can make other choice.
Can you widen the background so it incases the entire aircraft? Put the spin and air movements all around the propellers and coming from both wings so it looks balanced? Love the aircraft. Can you use a different font for MJ that would make it look more like a J? Also would like to see different variations with the colors. Like a black background, red at the bottom, or red/ white/ blue air 'swooshes'? Thank you!
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2. Keep background black, but take out red bottom background, making it all black.
3. Keep 'Aviation Innovations' on the bottom in white, but with a red shadow instead of black.
4. Keep 'MJ' same colors and style, but just one size larger.
5. Keep plane wing type the same as this one, but use front windshield and nose of prior plane type #21.
6. Please make a little smaller so only the wings are sticking out (nose in) and hopefully you can add the air swoosh around the other propeller like #21.
Please let me know if you have any questions. Thank you!!