In #150, please make the cap of the bottle spaced slightly above the rest of the bottle (like #146), so that it's like the dot of an i. I'd like the cap to be the same color as the rest of the text.
#257 is definitely our favorite so far. The bottle looks kinda pixelated. Could you please recreate it from scratch with vectors, or have you done this already?
Also, it would be nice to see a few different color combos if you have the time...just to explore more options.
Finally, the second line is a bit too small. Perhaps you could increase the font size of "Drink Recipes" and put it down lower? It might look better with a less-condensed font, too.
No worries. Did you prefer the layout with the bottle up a little and the strap line directly under the title or the other layout with the strap line centred and dropped under?
Hmmm, I've just seen some designers kicking up about using the 'i' as a bottle. I had no idea about the other guys doing it. I just did what you wanted.
Let me know what you think of the new ones I just posted.
Don't worry about the "i" issue. The guy who made it is in a probationary period and wasn't allowed to submit new designs over the weekend before being approved by LogoTournament...which was a deal breaker for us since our contest ended on Sunday. I did, however, extend the contest another day.
I like the layout of #273 the best. However, the bottle is a bit too high now. Could you please create a skinnier, shorter version of it, while keeping the other text the same size and in the same position?
...which contains a color combo I'd like to explore. I love the new shape of the Jack Daniel's bottle for the "i", but it'll definitely need to be redone using vectors (as you know, of course). Also, my white bottle lacks detail.
Hmm, maybe you could add some slight gradients to the M and X as well?
I will do if these other designers get off my case! There's some fella saying I copied him and saying if I split the prize money I won't have to withdraw my designs.::
No it's a guy called denzu, claims he was first to have an 'i' bottle design but I've looked into it and his earliest one is after my earliest one so I've politely let him know... I remember why I haven't been on here in 3 years now!
I'll let you know if there are further developments.
Apparently his number 15 is what he's referring to. I have no energy for a drawn out procedure which I think is where it's heading... If you want to say something then be my guest...
...that is, green, yellow, orange (note that this is a much brighter green).
Then for the yellow bottle, could you please darken it rather than highlight it? You know, the details you added to the top and sides of the bottle. I realize that highlighting bright yellow wouldn't be a nice contrast. :)
In #286, the light source is pointing up from down low, placing a shadow on the top of the bottle. In this scenario, please reverse the direction of the gradient on the "ology" text.
Just uploaded three more for you. I've changed the shading and the colours for you.
#292 and #294: These brighter colours you asked for are only achievable in RGB not CMYK. I'm not sure how much you know about the difference but RGB is used to illuminate pixels in devices like phones and monitors and CMYK is used in print. There are colours you can make in RGB but can't achieve in CMYK and vice versa. The colours you've asked me to make in 292 and 294 are only achievable in RGB. You can display them on your phone but you'll need to turn down the luminosity when using it for print.
Oops. What do you propose I do when printing #299 on white paper? I don't think the yellow will work very well in that situation. Crap. I love those bright colors.
I guess I could stick some kind of dark glow or stroke around the "mix" portion.
Looks like we're gonna go with #283. Please the following:
1) Try to make the bottle more interesting. Maybe more detail and add the glow back to the bottom. 2) If you can brighten the blue and green letters using CMYK colors, that might be good. 3) Please try adding a bit of a gradient to the MIX so that it jives with the OLOGY.
Just posted two more. They are the same but one is larger so you can see the bottle detail. Let me know!
Got a message from LT telling me to split any reward (assuming I'm going to win!!). I've replied to them so we'll see what happens. Just thought I'd keep you abreast. Don't blow a fuse, I'm sure I can handle this amicably.
#308 is definitely our favorite. My business partner would love it if you could make the bottle more interesting or "cooler looking."
Perhaps you could add a darker patch to the bright blue center of it? Maybe an abstract iOS kind of curvy shine to it that's the color of the blue X? Here's an example of what I mean:
I've put them together and something new to look at if we're going down the ice route.
To keep you up to speed, I've put in an offer to hopefully stop this all going to the court thing and becoming a complete pain in the arse for everyone. I don't wish to stitch you up and I don't want this dragging on.
This is all assuming I'm going to win of course which it seems the other parties involved have all taken for granted!
Cheers Matt, I'm around for the next few hours if you want to play with any other style :)
Regarding #311, I love the way the color & detail of the bottle make you wanna grab it. However, how do you think #310 and #311 should look on white? Maybe you could try darkening the bottle in #311 just a touch?