Mitchell LandscapesLogo Design Contest

Logo Design Contest
Contests / Mitchell Landscapes

Mitchell Landscapes has selected their winning logo design.

For $575 they received 209 designs from 19 different designers from around the world.






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Logo Designer
my try

(This comment references Entry #17)
14 years ago
Thanks for your input - I see the stack of stones with in the larger stone shape - not sure that would be apparent to my customers unless I told them what it was. try working with the image and see what you can come up with. Also - I know I referenced the arch and the stone tower but don't be afraid to introduce stone in some other way...

I also think that I prefer a logo on white as opposed to a bark background - if that darker background represented an object with shape - i.e a stone ore a boulder or piece of rock I think that might be cool!

I look forward to seeing more of your designs
14 years ago
Just wanted to say that as I have pondered your logo #18 I have come to appreciate it more and more as the day has gone on. There is a simple and profound balance about it. I like the way Mitchell lifts with the green. The only element that I am not sure about it is the blue stone on the top of the stack. - One one hand it brings an very surprising pop to the logo but not sure that blue is the best - play with that and see what you can do. Another consideration is that it is better to have a stack of uneven stones then and even number. The reason the picture of the stones (on my website) works is because the stump that the stack is sitting on serves as the fifth stone. Thanks for your submission - I look forward to seeing some of your additional ideas. Dale
14 years ago
thanks - I will rank now and give you some feedback in a little while - thanks again

OK - wow! I really like the direction that you are going! - I prefer the lay out of #18 and I really like the image on #34 - especially the way the grass moves the image out side of the background shape. Is there a way you can bring the pop of blue back? maybe little flowers on the grass? - something subtle but just bring back that blue in some way. Also see what the stack looks like with a 5th stone as well or with 3 (uneven numbers are better I think).

Although I like the MitchellLandsapes on one line - you might try it on Two lines so you can play with a larger image? Not sure though because I really like the single line impression. In fact, I might end up adding a small ".com" under the MitchellLandscapes, just below "pes"

One more thought to consiider - I have always wondered if there is a way to leverage the "llL"
three L's in the middle of the name to represent some kind of plant stem - maybe trees? mot really sure but just curious if you have any thoughts on that.

Thanks again for your creativity
14 years ago
Thanks for trying trying the blue flowers - a bit to distracting. Take #18 - change out the blue stone, add the .com and put the trees over the l's . Then if you want to try some variations beyond that give it a try. thanks again. Dale
14 years ago
#43 - thank you for making those changes.
14 years ago
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