My boss is in the office but has been in a meeting all day. I'm hoping he gets out soon, for the contest is going to finalize very shortly.
For the most part this is the logo we will be going with. If I need to, will I be able to expand the red box around Mission, if need be? I feel like it might balance it a bit more if the box extended to the left a bit more, but the M in Mission lined up with the belltower still.
Here are the designs #116#117:
I had to raise the tower slightly so that the last bell system could be seen, and I did not lower the mission so much, in order to have a better visual balance.
Recuede, any other requirements, please let me know.
#114 and #115 are great. Last two modification request...
1) Move the red Mission box down slightly do we can see the last set of bells on the tower. It is ok if the bottom goes lower than the top of the L. Do this same thing with logo #114.
2) Lowering the Mission box may take care of this, but right below the M in Mission you can see a tinny bit of the pool cue. Can you make sure this is covered up. It looks a bit funny with just a speck of red there. Thanks and almost there!
Hi Daniel. Thank you for working with us on this. I'm looking for a lot more than that. I feel like we keep going up a point each time. Try increasing the height by 50% and let's see how that looks.
Is there any way to increase the height of the Mission font? Maybe trying lessening the distance between the letters in Mission. That should give you more room to increase the height.
Basically we would like the bottom of the mission block to also come right below the top of the L in lounge.
We are getting very close. I have more feedback from my boss.
I would like a blend of these two final logos.
1) Keep the red framing box around Mission, but shrink and move that box to the right and down, so that the top right corner of the Mission box touches the bottom left corner of the mission tower. Try this and we can go from there.
Thanks for doing this so quickly. I'm checking with my boss on the other logos, but can I see an example of this one with the pool cues back in? I would like to compare the two.
Ok, everyone really likes this logo, but our boss had a few more requests and I'm not sure how it will affect the design.
He still wants the word "Mission" to be smaller. Can you try a few different layouts with a smaller font size for Mission. Maybe shrink it and put it between the L and the G. Maybe the mission tower increases in size? What ever you need to do to make it look balanced.
I would love if I could present him with at least three different options.
2) Red - I'm not sure if this red matches the hotels website red, but the CMYK I use for the hotel is: 3/95/100/37
Hi Daniel - can we try this with a few different options.
1) Burt red in place of the maroon.
2) Black in place of the blue, and also a dark brown option.
3) Please make a third and fourth option with these color changes by adding back in the pool cue and pool cue and wine glass. Thanks!
Hi dapc79. I would like to see a few different versions of this. 1) slightly smaller bell tower. 2) Bell tower as the "i" in Mission instead of at the top. I'm not sure if it would fit there. Then something else at the top.
Comment Activity
My boss is in the office but has been in a meeting all day. I'm hoping he gets out soon, for the contest is going to finalize very shortly.
For the most part this is the logo we will be going with. If I need to, will I be able to expand the red box around Mission, if need be? I feel like it might balance it a bit more if the box extended to the left a bit more, but the M in Mission lined up with the belltower still.
If you have time, maybe try this out?
I will be waiting for your comments.
Greetings. Daniel. ;·)
Thanks for your comments.
Here are the designs #116 #117:
I had to raise the tower slightly so that the last bell system could be seen, and I did not lower the mission so much, in order to have a better visual balance.
Recuede, any other requirements, please let me know.
Greetings. Daniel.
1) Move the red Mission box down slightly do we can see the last set of bells on the tower. It is ok if the bottom goes lower than the top of the L. Do this same thing with logo #114.
2) Lowering the Mission box may take care of this, but right below the M in Mission you can see a tinny bit of the pool cue. Can you make sure this is covered up. It looks a bit funny with just a speck of red there. Thanks and almost there!
New designs with the highest "mission"
for your review #113 #114 #115.
Greetings. Daniel.
Here it is with the increase of the height of the font,
for your review.
Greetings. Daniel.
I'm sorry, I didn't mean the mission structure. I'm looking to increase the height of the word Mission. The font size is a bit too small. Thanks.
Yes, this is what i was talking about.
Is there any way to increase the height of the Mission font? Maybe trying lessening the distance between the letters in Mission. That should give you more room to increase the height.
Basically we would like the bottom of the mission block to also come right below the top of the L in lounge.
Here are the new versions, for your review #107 #108.
Greetings. Daniel.
We are getting very close. I have more feedback from my boss.
I would like a blend of these two final logos.
1) Keep the red framing box around Mission, but shrink and move that box to the right and down, so that the top right corner of the Mission box touches the bottom left corner of the mission tower. Try this and we can go from there.
Here it is with the pool cues.
Greetings. Daniel.
Thanks for doing this so quickly. I'm checking with my boss on the other logos, but can I see an example of this one with the pool cues back in? I would like to compare the two.
thank you very much for your comments.
Here are the versions with the required changes, for your review #98 #99 #100 #101 #102 #103.
Remember, if you have any other requirements, please let me know.
It will be a pleasure.
Greetings. Daniel.
Ok, everyone really likes this logo, but our boss had a few more requests and I'm not sure how it will affect the design.
He still wants the word "Mission" to be smaller. Can you try a few different layouts with a smaller font size for Mission. Maybe shrink it and put it between the L and the G. Maybe the mission tower increases in size? What ever you need to do to make it look balanced.
I would love if I could present him with at least three different options.
2) Red - I'm not sure if this red matches the hotels website red, but the CMYK I use for the hotel is: 3/95/100/37
Thanks for keeping my design in the first place.
Remember, if you have any other requirements, please let me know.
Greetings. Daniel. ;)
Here are the required changes, for your review #95 #96 #97.
Remember, if you have any other requirements, please let me know.
Greetings. Daniel.
1) Decrease the size of the Mission block.
2) Increase the size of Lounge.
I realize this may play havoc with the layout of the logo, but please give it your best try. These are the two requests the owner made.
Thank you.
Here are the changes for your review
#86 #87 #88 #89 #90 #91 #92 #93 #94.
Greetings. Daniel. ;)
1) Burt red in place of the maroon.
2) Black in place of the blue, and also a dark brown option.
3) Please make a third and fourth option with these color changes by adding back in the pool cue and pool cue and wine glass. Thanks!
Here are the designs with the required changes, for your review #80 #81 #82 #83 #84 #85.
Remember, if you have any other requirements, please let me know.
Greetings. Daniel.
1) Remove dots of inner circle.
2) Few different mixed color options.
Can we try removing the pool cue?
Here is the design with the required changes, for your review #69 #70.
Remember, if you have any other requirements, please let me know.
Greetings. Daniel. ;)
Here I have uploaded my logo alternatives for your review #50 #51.
Remember, if you have any other requirement, please let me know.
It will be a pleasure to continue working for you.
Regards. Daniel.