Oh good. Thanks! I wanted to see about - taking the stars off the top. Then taking the 'swirls'....as if it were going up through the butterfly and out the top (in some form...maybe like a fountain?) Let me try to explain this better. If you would imagine that the 'swirl' continues in (somewhat of a semi-circle), but DO NOT put the swirl in the butterfly...but have it 'pour' out the top. Not sure this translates. i'm just wanting to see if this looks better than having the swirl on the bottom and stars on the top...the 'swirls' may give more movement (your original swirls, more around the bottom had too much movement for me...) please know I LOVE the design!!
I'm getting feedback from some of my friends who like the 'stream' of sparkles....as in #68...I'm a little worn out...you too?? so this is my suggestion...just ONE more try. What about putting the stream of sparkles back (no stars)...and have it be symmetrical coming from the 'i' of miraculous...and maybe from the 'i' of living...?? please don't shoot me...
Awesome! Can you now take out the 'stream' of 'sparkles' that are going from the 'i' to the butterfly...? thanks! And is there a way to make the red at the bottom of the butterfly a little more vibrant red?....we're almost done! thanks!
You added too much red on #87..see above comments. However, I like the 3 stars on top, but remove the ones on the side. it's too much. thanks! (see above thread).
Thank you for your nice words! Yes of course we can make changes and talk over email as well as I can send you files over email - after the contest is over.
It is my understanding that we can make adjustments after I declare you contest winner. Is this correct? And are we only able to communicate through logo tournament? I just have had a busy day, so that's why I am asking. thanks for all your work, artistic genius and contribution! I'm very happy!! (and be sure to read thread....)
take out the sparkles on the side. I think you also had 3 on the top...I've lost track. Make the red on the bottom (just on the bottom) more vibrant/deeper, showing more contrast between red and orange.
I am choosing you as the winner. If I select you, can we still make some minor adjustments. I still have a couple of suggestions. I think there is too much 'sparkle' I think we need to take some of if out...
I think I figured out the top 'stars'...try bringing the two out a little more, or a bit closer to the center...or add a third in the middle. (Just so you know...I'm choosing your design...so I hope you don't mind the fine tuning we're doing!)
This one is really good! MINOR suggestions: Make the red a little stronger. Take the two top 'stars' and move them up a bit..we're are just about 100%!!
I agree! I suggest putting them out a little furtherawAy from butterfly. We’re getting there! And I think I like the stream coming from miraculous...that’s a cool idea. And I do agree...not too much!
See above. Next, we need to focus on the sparkles. I think they need to be placed higher up...more around (above?) the butterfly....and I liked you mixed the colors. We’re fine tuning! I also need you to place the trademark sign (TM) after Method. Thanks for your efforts!
I like what you started to do here, but I do not like where the ‘movement’ begins. First, let’s get the coloring right on the butterfly. A bit of red on the bottom, then orange, then yellow. Have the yellow be the center of the butterfly, so it’s a little in the top half, a little in the bottom half. Then layer the other colors above it.
Thank you! I visited your website and I think the work you're doing is great! I thought a butterfly would be appropriate because of the transformation aspect of it.
I want to see this butterfly (with the slight adjustment of colors), Miraculous Living in script, Method either same size or smaller...plus colorful sparkles..hope that is clear! Very cool you were able to replicate the chakras (although I like your original colors, so I'm not eliminating that quite yet)...I really appreciate what you are creating! I never mentioned this, but I have a butterfly necklace I wear frequently...
How about a little more yellow and orange...a little less red. And put Miraculous Living in the same font. I also just suggested more sparkle on this one, like you did in your previous submission (with the colorful sparkles). I'm really liking this!
I'm favoring your design with the butterfly on top of the letters. Can you add (to whatever extent you think might look good next to the butterfly) what you did above to your original design, with the butterfly on top? I like that you infused similar colors in the sparkle that are in the butterfly.
Please read above. I also had another idea. I'm wondering if there is a way to infuse the colors of the chakras, in the same order as they occur. Indigo (top), green blue, yellow orange red. Probably not able to get all of them in...just an idea. Your design really pulls me in! (that's a good thing!) thanks!
Please change the font size of Miraculous Living (to be larger). Also, can you add some 'sparkle', some stars to create some movement and give it a magical feel?? I really like this design!
This is really fun...however, I work with men and women, so it's just a bit too girly....can you make more of a neutral figure? Thanks for contributing.
Wow...this looks really nice. Interesting. Not sure I care for 'method' to be so large. It probably needs to be reversed in size, meaning Miraculous Living to be large (although I can appreciate you wanting to balance the design)...
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