I'd like to see the wings having more 'feathers', a little less cartoon-like. What about making the color in the heart a different color? Pink? Yellow?? Or if you make the heart even bigger, layering the colors of the chakras?? (may be too much)...just some ideas. But I like what this represents! Thank you!
Can you try a different kind of flower? This looks too structured to me. There needs to be more flow...and I do like the addition of 'sparkles.' Thanks!
Another thought...maybe use a flower that has more movement to it. I help my clients create movement and results in their lives. Maybe a flower that has more flow, more shape? Not so precise. Thanks! Another thought...I work with energy systems, including the chakras. What about putting the colors of the chakras in the flower? Too much??
This is an interesting interpretation. I work from the heart, and many of my clients have called me their personal fairy godmother. How about putting wings on the symbol? And more 'sparkle' around the design...And I'd like to see what it looks like having the symbol on the left, above Miraculous and to the right of it. Thanks!!
I like using the flower as a symbol. Can you add some 'sparkle' or stars to demonstrate movement in the design. Also the green color is off. Should be a bit more bright aqua. Thanks!
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