Dear customer During the creation process I tried to add legs and arms but the result is very less cute than the concepts submitted, we are talking about a donut and the legs and arms decrease its recognition so the people can confuse it with an other thing. I think that this character (you can call it for example Donnie) is very iconic and fun with only the head (donut). Feel free to request me all the changes that you have in mind, I will follow carefully this contest.
I realize it might be a bit busy - but could we see what it looks like with the Mini Morsels written and curved up top, then the Mini Morceaux wirtten and curved below so that both names are on the same design? Thanks, Katharine
I think that the version with both names together looks very good, also you can see that the design looks very good in black & white too (think about it on letterhead or business card) so it can be used on every background and surface.
I might also have fewer "bite" or two maybe...three looks like a mouse has been nibbling:) Our donuts are small - about 1 - 11/2 inches around... K