#4 - thanks danoeadjie. I like the colour combination of purple, orange and green. I'd like to see the orange and green shades a little brighter, and to have more green overall. I like the sense of growth and movement in the icon but it feels a bit too complex - I would like it simpler. I like the styled foot but I don't think it's obvious that it's a foot - to give the sense of 'journey' I think we need two feet walking like in the picture I attached. The 'explore discover grow' needs to be bigger so it can be read on business cards. I hope that helps. It's a great start, thank you very much.
Thanks for your feedback. I really appreciate it. :) This is a new proposal. I hope you like this one. I'll send you the version as requested ASAP. Thanks.
#10 and #13 - thanks for these two new designs danoeadjie. I like the extra green colour, but I don't like the flowers you have added. The 'explore discover grow' needs to be much bigger so it can be read on business cards - or it can be left out. I prefer the 'mindful journey' in lower case rather than capital letters as it makes it more friendly. Overall I would like the words to be bigger than the icon.
#18 - thanks danoeadjie for this new design. It's my favourite of your designs because the size of the text is bigger and in better balance with the words, and the style of the icon is simpler. But I preferred the text you used in #4 for 'mindful journey' becuase it was simpler, I'm not keen on italics. However, at this stage I like the designs of some of the other designers better (you will see how I have ranked them) because they are bolder and simpler with stronger use of colour. I'm grateful for you altering the design of the feet, but I would prefer them to look more like simple, natural feet, and looking like they are walking fowards. I appreciate all your effort and time - I'll leave you to decide whether you would like to try further designs.