And by the way the new versions with more prominent initial letters "MB" as a speech-bubble shape which is unlikely an ordinary circle shape would be enough to convey the message to the crowd and they'll immediately understand that this logo(MB+Speech-bubble) must belong to someone who is a motivational speake because this logo has all three main elements such as the specially/uniquely customized initial letters "MB"+circle shape and speech-bubble. I hope the explanation regarding my logos would be helpful for you to understand the concept behind the logo.
Also submitted #532 as a revision of #531 with slight variation and submitted #533 & #534 with different customized "MB" font. I hope you like that too. Thanks!
Thanks again for the feedback and ranking. I'm so glad to hear that you liked #498 and by the a very good choice as my favorite was #498 too. Anyways I've just submitted #530 & #531 versions where I emphasized more on the initial letters "MB" which I've specially customized for you. I hop you'd like these revised versions as well. Please feel free to ask me if you need any revision, variation OR help. Thanks!
Also submitted #517 as the solid color version of #492, #518 as the solid color version of #496 & #519 as the solid color version of #494 respectively in brighter gold/red color scheme.
These would also work perfectly on backgrounds as well.
These uniquely customized letterform logo with a speach-bubble icon at the same time would be enough to let people understand that its something about speech.
Trust me that this is an outstanding/out of the box kind logo which are 110% uniquely designed/customized and which I'm pretty sure that you won't gonna find that style of logo anywhere while googling for similar logos. Thats what I specially designed that for your contest. As you can see that these logos are perfectly balanced/accurate from every corner. These logo has everything you were looking for and I believe that this will gonna be the eye-catching brand for everyone/world because it has the same inspiration like the world's famous logos/brands. The specialty of this logo is that its a universal(all-rounder) style of logo which would work perfectly on any colored/non-colored backgrounds such as white(or light colored) black(or dark colored).
These logos would be easily printable as well as will work perfectly on web, mobile apps, embroidery OR etc.
Any changes are possible so please feel free to ask me anytime if you need any revision, variation OR help. Thanks!
Thanks for the feedback/ranking. I'm so glad you liked my design. Yes sure, I'm gonna work on the revisions and will show you the revised versions shortly.
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These would also work perfectly on backgrounds as well.
Please take a look at my most recent entries such as #492, #493, #494, #495, #496, #497, #498 & #499
These uniquely customized letterform logo with a speach-bubble icon at the same time would be enough to let people understand that its something about speech.
Trust me that this is an outstanding/out of the box kind logo which are 110% uniquely designed/customized and which I'm pretty sure that you won't gonna find that style of logo anywhere while googling for similar logos. Thats what I specially designed that for your contest. As you can see that these logos are perfectly balanced/accurate from every corner. These logo has everything you were looking for and I believe that this will gonna be the eye-catching brand for everyone/world because it has the same inspiration like the world's famous logos/brands. The specialty of this logo is that its a universal(all-rounder) style of logo which would work perfectly on any colored/non-colored backgrounds such as white(or light colored) black(or dark colored).
These logos would be easily printable as well as will work perfectly on web, mobile apps, embroidery OR etc.
Any changes are possible so please feel free to ask me anytime if you need any revision, variation OR help. Thanks!
Best Regards,