I am so happy you came through to help us, I love it I Love it, You know what im looking for, good contrast of daylife and night life. Can you see if you can put a globe inside of that magnify glass on entry #41 and add a contrast to it, like you did on entry #39.
Right NoW your entry #42 takes the cake, Revise the background on # 42, but also revise the whole thing #42 # 37, just see what else your head can come up with.
see if can be smoother, and play with any color you choose to, with white back ground, I want to know if I can change the color and it still has the same effect
Lol Okay, I see you kinda gotta a notion of what we are about, GREAT JOB on the miimusic logo, So I have to ask you what are your charges after the tournament, because we obviously will need more logos, for our different venture. What we are going to need logo for are Miimusic/Nightlife/Daylife/ Shop tabs. (these tabs we would want different logos for)
after contest entirely end, we can develop this concept to make it work with your sub-product/logos, even the seasonal promotion, I'll provide the details if you need it.